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FiBL Newsletter April 2023

FiBL turns 50! On the 1st of February 1973 the Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Organic Agriculture (Schweizerische Stiftung zur Förderung des biologischen Landbaus) was established, thus laying the foundations for FiBL. It’s an occasion to take a look back: Browse through our image gallery on FiBL's history from the 1970s to the present day. Or follow our Anniversary Voices series, on-going throughout the year, which highlights the relationship between FiBL and senior figures in research, practice, politics, business and more. We start with Knut Schmidtke, Director of Research, Extension and Innovation at FiBL Switzerland.

Том: April 2023
Автор: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL.
Организация: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL.
Год: 2023
Категория: Информационный бюллетень
Язык контента: English

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