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Land redistribution and poverty reduction in South Africa

The livelihood impacts of smallholder agriculture under land reform

The first objective was to develop a comprehensive picture of each project in terms of its membership, its activities and its internal organisation. The second was to situate the projects within their wider context, which included the local community, local government (represented by officials and councillors of local and district municipalities, and traditional leaders), agricultural extension and land reform support services, as well as upstream and downsteam market linkages.The chapters that follow present the findings of the Limpopo study. Chapter 2 provides an overview of land and land reform in Limpopo at the commencement of this research. Chapters 3 to 6 present the results of the four in-depth case studies: Dikgolo, Monyamane, Mahlahluvani and Shimange. Chapter 7 presents detailed conclusions drawing from all four case studies, as well as recommendations for the reform of land reform policy. The appendices include a list of the organisations consulted during this research and a personal account by Marc Wegerif of a day spent in the field with farmers at Mahlahluvani.

Автор: Edward Lahiff
Другие авторы: Themba Maluleke, Tshililo Manenzhe, Marc Wegerif
Организация: Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)
Год: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-620-41277-3
Страна/страны: South Africa
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Доклад
Язык контента: English

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