منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

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المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

Managing leaf spot disease in groundnut

Leaf spot disease is caused by fungi that live in the soil and on crop residues. Before sowing, mix Trichoderma or Pseudomonas powder with compost and spread it on the field. Coat your seeds with Trichoderma or Pseudomonas powder. To reduce the spread of the disease by wind, grow a...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Biochar to improve soil health

When used in water-scarce areas, biochar helps the soil to better absorb water and to slowly release the required amount to the crop. So you need to irrigate less, which saves you money and labour. Biochar also makes soils more productive.
2024 - Access Agriculture

Nipping of pigeon pea

The more pigeon peas produce secondary branches, the more pods it will produce, leading to higher yields. 6 to 7 weeks after sowing, remove the tips of the main branches. This is called nipping. After a week, use half a mug of biofertiliser per plant or add it to irrigation...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Planting banana and plantain

Banana plants have superficial roots. Proper spacing, planting, and mulching will yield better and more fruit. You can also intercrop your banana and plantain plants with food crops, medicinal plants and other trees to provide additional sources of income and create a suitable micro-environment.
2024 - Access Agriculture

Enriching soils with a mixed green manure

Different crops and tree leaves provide different levels of micro and macro-nutrients when incorporated into the soil. This adds organic matter, boosts beneficial soil micro-organisms and enhances soil fertility.
2024 - Access Agriculture

Raising pigs with no smell and less work

The bad smell of pig waste undermines the health of your animals and your own health and can create tensions with your neighbours. Washing the dung and urine into waterways also pollutes the environment. By using deep bedding sprayed with good microorganisms you can avoid all of this. You can...
2024 - Access Agriculture

A hand weeder and a ridge plough

A hand weeder is a simple tool made from a bicycle wheel and iron rods. The hand weeder can be pushed by a person, is light and does not compact your soil. As it is rather technical and you will need someone to weld, it is best to take a...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Record-keeping for integrated farming

As the number of enterprises on a farm increases, it becomes harder to keep track of the cost of inputs and the revenues earned. Keep detailed records to see how your farm evolves over time. By comparing different farms of similar size with fellow farmers, you can decide if changing...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Making fermented organic poultry feed

Organic feed that is free from harmful chemical residues and antibiotics is often not available in the market. With organic feeds, you can double up the volume by mixing a variety of grasses and leaves that can be found all around the farm. This is where you can get your...
2024 - Access Agriculture

GFRAS GP-SAEP Agroecology Project Description

GFRAS, the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services, will soon begin implementation of an Agroecology project in close collaboration with IFAD, the International Fund for Agriculture Development. The project, entitled “Global Programme for Small-Scale Agroecology Producers and Sustainable Food Systems Transformation”, GP-SAEP in short, is part of a larger funding...
2023 - Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services GFRAS

Transition(s) _ Ép.3 - Commerce et agroécologie : mariage impossible ?

Concilier revenus décents pour les producteurs.trices, modes de production résilients et alimentation accessible : telle est la difficile équation à résoudre lorsqu’il s’agit de parler de commerce à l’heure du développement durable. Dans ce troisième numéro de Transition(s) diffusé le mardi 4 avril dernier, nous posons trois grandes questions : les règles du commerce sont-elles...
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Video Contest: Advancing Climate Resiliency through Farmers’ Organizations and Cooperatives

Climate change has significant and far-reaching impacts on agriculture. Addressing these impacts requires adaptation strategies such as developing drought-tolerant crops, improving water management practices, adopting precision agriculture techniques, promoting sustainable land management practices, and implementing climate-resilient farming systems. Farmers worldwide are making remarkable efforts and developing innovative solutions to confront the...
2023 - Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC) through the Asia-Pacific Farmers’ Program (APFP) – Farmers’ Organization for Asia (FO4A) (funded by the IFAD and EU) and ARISE programs (funded by IFAD) and with the support of the German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation (DGRV), the AgriCord through FO4A (funded by EU), the Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON) through the Farmers’ Organisations for Africa, Carribean and Pacific (FO4ACP) and Pacific Islands Rural and Agriculture Stimulus (PIRAS) Facility (funded by the IFAD and Australian government).

Four ways science, technology and innovation can help transform agrifood systems

By 2050 it is estimated that the global population will surpass nine billion. Food production must be sufficient to equitably feed such a growing population. With productive arable land and freshwater resources severely constrained in many parts of world and unsustainable agricultural practices and climate change, it is imperative that...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Setting up an integrated farm

By installing an integrated farm, you can produce something on every inch of land, while reducing waste and buying fewer inputs. Draw a map of your farm and decide where to grow what crops, trees and vegetables, based on your knowledge of which crops need sun and which grow in...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Commerce et agroécologie : mariage impossible ?

Concilier revenus décents pour les producteurs.trices, modes de production résilients et alimentation accessible : telle est la difficile équation à résoudre lorsqu’il s’agit de parler de commerce à l’heure du développement durable. Dans ce troisième numéro de Transition(s) Farm, nous posons trois grandes questions : les règles du commerce sont-elles compatibles...
2023 - Fondation FARM

Community seed banks

Because of our seed bank, we have native varieties again. By using indigenous seed our costs have reduced as we can grow and keep our own seed. So, we don’t have to depend on the market. In our seed bank, we also train farmers how to grow crops organically, free...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Collecting traditional varieties

Local varieties often cope better with drought and other stresses, and outperform modern varieties when grown under ecological conditions. Collect traditional varieties by visiting seed savers in their homes, or while attending seed festivals and farmer training events. Seed savers and seed producers select the varieties they like most. These...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Herbal medicine against foot rot in livestock

Foot rot is a frequent disease that affects the hooves of cattle, sheep and goats and makes animals limp. Foot rot is caused by bacteria that enter the soft tissue of the hooves through wounds and cuts in the skin, which may have been caused by thorns or small stones....
2023 - Access Agriculture

A participatory guarantee system

The international organic certification system can be bureaucratic and expensive, and beyond the reach of smallholder ecological farmers who produce for the local market. In many countries, Participatory Guarantee Systems, or PGS, are emerging as an alternative accreditation system. While PGS systems are created locally and differ from one country...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2023 - Access Agriculture

A participatory guarantee system

The international organic certification system can be bureaucratic and expensive, and beyond the reach of smallholder ecological farmers who produce for the local market. In many countries, Participatory Guarantee Systems, or PGS, are emerging as an alternative accreditation system. While PGS systems are created locally and differ from one country...
2023 - Access Agriculture
Total results:165
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