منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

ابحث في قاعدة البيانات

نص حر
المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية
الموضوع الرئيسي
الموضوع الفرعي

دراسة حالة
Case study of the technical, socio-economic and environmental conditions of small-scale fisheries in the estuary of Patos Lagoon, Brazil

A methodology for assessment
This document presents an assessment of small-scale fisheries of the Patos Lagoon estuary, Brazil, using a custom-designed fisheries census methodology. Complementary information was sourced from a literature review, secondary data and in-depth semi-structured interviews. The assessment provides a complete picture of the technical, environmental and socio-economic conditions of these fisheries, including information on the...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Story of SDC beneficiary Herder

Collective actions through organised pasture user groups in Mongolia are a sustainable way to protect rangeland from desertification and to guarantee food security for the next herder generation
2012 - Feeding Knowledge

Good practices in building innovative rural institutions to increase food security

Strong rural organizations like producer groups and cooperatives are crucial to hunger and poverty reduction. They allow small producers toplay a greater role in meeting growing food demand on local, national and international markets, while improving their own economic, social and political opportunities. This thinking connects a series of case...

The Quiet Revolution in Staple Food Value Chains

Enter the Dragon, the Elephant, and the Tiger
This book presents findings from a detailed study of how domestic staples value chains are structured and performing in Asia after the food price hike of 2007–2008. Three questions are asked in the study: (1) Are staples value chains transforming structurally? (2) Is the conduct of staples value chains’ actors...
Bangladesh - China - India
2012 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

MPA Workshop proceedings: Fishery-Dependent Livelihoods, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity : The Case of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in India, 1-2 March 2012 , India International Centre, New Delhi, India

The lacunae in fishing-community engagement in the management and governance of marine and coastal protected areas (MCPAs) were discussed in the 2009 Chennai Workshop organized by the ICSF.  The workshop reviewed existing legal and institutional mechanisms for creating, implementing and reporting MCPAs in India, and discussed their impact from the...
2012 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

"Laugenrind" - organic beef and local ownership

The initial project dates back to 2003 (in the context of Leader+), when 8 farmers developed a quality programme for growing, feeding and breeding the typical “Alpine Grey” cattle. Following the decline of the milk market, the local farmers'' cooperative had the idea of extending the quality programme to the...
2012 - European Union

Conservation Agriculture in Central Asia: Status, Policy, Institutional Support, and Strategic Framework for its Promotion.

Conservation Agriculture (CA) is defined as a production system in which crop, soil, nutrient, pest, water and energy management components and operations are based on a sustainable ecological foundation provided by three interlinked principles of: (1) minimum soil disturbance (no-till direct seeding); (2) maintenance of soil cover (mulch cover from...
2012 - FAO Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia (FAO-SEC)

Relevamiento de huertas y granjas familiares en área de influencia de la A.E.R La Carlota

Durante el período comprendido de marzo a abril de 2012 se distribuyó la colección hortícola de otoño-invierno del Programa Pro-Huerta en el área de influencia de la Agencia de Extensión (AER) INTA La Carlota, departamento Juárez Célman, Córdoba; la misma comprende cuatro localidades (La Carlota, Santa Eufemia, Alejandro Roca y...
2012 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

مقال صحفي
Agroecology as a Transdisciplinary, Participatory, and Action-Oriented Approach

This article traces multiple directions in the evolution of agroecology, from its early emphasis on ecological processes in agricultural systems, to its emergence as a multidimensional approach focusing on broader agro-food systems. This review is timely, as agroecology is being increasingly applied within a diversity of scientific-, policy-, and farmer-based...
2012 - Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG)

مادة سمعية
Campaña Come Sano

Como parte de la campaña regional COME SANO, la FAO ha promocionado y coordinado la elaboración y la difusión de cuñas radiales que informan a los consumidores, principalmente a familias pobres de áreas rurales, de los cuidados básicos en la manipulación y preparación higiénica de los alimentos. La campaña radial es...
Dominican Republic - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Panama - Peru
2012 - Grupo de Sanidad e Inocuidad Agroalimentaria de la Oficina Regional de la FAO

دراسة حالة
Good practices in building innovative rural institutions to increase food security

Case studies
Strong rural organizations like producer groups and cooperatives are crucial to hunger and poverty reduction. They allow small producers toplay a greater role in meeting growing food demand on local, national and international markets, while improving their own economic, social and political opportunities. This thinking connects a series of case...
Benin - Bhutan - Colombia - Egypt - Fiji - Gambia - Israel - Kenya - Nepal - Niger - Philippines - Thailand
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

مقال صحفي

Growing the Roots of Resistance
Agroecology today has a strong focus on bringing sustainability to food, feed, and fiber production. But there is also a larger focus on the social, economic, and political “drivers” that move food systems beyond the conditions that have created un-sustainability in modern industrial agriculture. With its ecosystem foundation, the science...
2012 - University of Vermont

مقالة إخبارية
Public Policy and Society: Two Essential Mediating Factors for Conditional Transfer Programmes

Escobar’s (2012) study takes this observation as its guiding premise. He analyzes two particularly salient circumstances which underscore the inherently dynamic and multi-dimensional interface of a given CCT.
2012 - International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC - IG)

جزء من تقرير

The pressure on biodiversity continues to increase. Habitat loss and degradation from agriculture and infrastructure development, overexploitation, pollution and invasive alien species remain the predominant threats. Climate change is increasing in importance and will have profound impacts, particularly in combination with other threats. Greater integration of policies and institutional responses,...
2012 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

وثيقة مؤتمر
Potential Role of Cereal-Legume Intercropping Systems in Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Small holder Farming Systems of Sub-Saharan Africa

The sub-Saharan Africa’s population is growing exponentially and it has to fulfill its food and nutrition requirement. An attractive strategy for increasing productivity and labour utilization per unit area of available land is to intensify land use. Intercropping is advanced as one of the integrated soil fertility management practices consisting...
2012 - Mukono Ronal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MUZARDI)

Ola Invernal: tecnologías para recuperar el sector agropecuario. Renovación de praderas degradadas en sistemas de producción lechera del trópico alto colombiano

La productividad de los bovinos en el trópico está determinada por la cantidad y calidad de nutrientes aportados por las especies forrajeras existentes en las praderas; sin embargo, la mayor parte de estas especies presenta una baja eficiencia productiva, con evidentes signos de degradación del suelo, generalmente relacionada con el...
2012 - ‎‎Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Empowering women farmers in Ethiopia

Munira Shemsudin, Gender & HIV/AIDS Programme Officer for Self Help Africa in Ethiopia, talks about the power of investing in women farmers.
2012 - FarmingFirst

وثيقة فنية
Modelo productivo para el cultivo de plátano en la zona central cafetera de Colombia: paquete tecnológico

El plátano en Colombia sirve como sustento de familias campesinas que lo siembran en asocio con otros cultivos, el rendimiento de este varía de acuerdo con las condiciones de las zonas ecológicas y edáficas, la temperatura y el cultivar utilizado. El paquete tecnológico que acá se presenta está dirigido a...
2012 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

وثيقة فنية
Modelo productivo sistemas silvopastoriles de estratos múltiples para el sistema de producción bovina doble propósito en la región Caribe de Colombia

La producción ganadera es una de las formas de uso de la tierra más frecuente teniendo Colombia el porcentaje más alto en área de pasturas en relación al total utilizado en actividades agropecuarias. En la región Caribe al igual que en el contexto nacional, la ganadería es el sistema de...
2012 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

موجز في السياسات/ وثيقة في السياسات
The Green Belt Initiative and land grabs in Malawi

There is often a mismatch between the apparent benevolent intents and the practical manifestations of the large scale land deals. The empirical realities of the large-scale land deals call for critical scrutiny and interrogation of the underlying interests of the stakeholders involved to assess the extent to which they genuinely...
2012 - Future Agricultures Consortium
Total results:20139