Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Potentially Important Food Plants of Equador

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Article de blog
Debe aprobarse ley de desarrollo de agricultura familiar en reconocimiento al campesinado

La Representación Nacional debe debatir y aprobar el dictamen de la Ley de Promoción y Desarrollo de la Agricultura Familiar, porque tiene la obligación ineludible de sancionar una norma de reconocimiento a los cerca de dos millones y medio de agricultores que laboran en el campo, a fin de que...
2015 - Prensa Congreso

Article de blog
Precision farming will increase EU productivity

The rising demand for agricultural products, combined with the need to protect the environment, has put pressure on the EU executive to find “innovative” ways in the farming sector. Several stakeholders claim that introducing new technologies in EU farming would help the sector address this challenge.
European Union
2015 - EuroActiv

Article du bulletin d’information
Farmers introduced to innovative way of beating the drought

Farmers in the eastern end of the country were recently introduced to an innovative way of beating the drought which still has its grips on the country. The Jamaica Sustainable Farm Enterprise Programme (Source Farm) in Johnstown, St Thomas, hosted a farmers' workshop which focused on simple systems that can help...
2015 - The Jamaica Gleaner

Note/document d'orientation
How to feed nine billion within the planet’s boundaries

The need for an agroecological approach
Global agriculture is challenged by a combination of climate change, biodiversity loss, and the growing demand for food, feed, fiber and energy. The research and development community has been looking into various ways of making agriculture more sustainable, and agroeoclogical approach gives high expectations.
2015 - Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI)

Article de revue spécialisée
Les trajectoires professionnelles des jeunes dans la néo-agriculture saharienne (Biskra, Algérie) revisitées par la théorie de l’agricultural ladder

Dans cet article, nous proposons d’éclairer les dynamiques professionnelles des jeunes en agriculture sur un front pionnier saharien en Algérie en mobilisant une lecture en termes d’agricultural ladder (trajectoire socioprofessionnelle permettant l’accumulation de savoir-faire et de divers types de capitaux) et de cluster (concentration géographique d’entreprises du même secteur), dans le cas de...

Food security and climate change

Farmers in Madagascar adopt agro-ecological practices A film by the Research and Development Institute and the French Global Environment Facility. In Madagascar, new farming practices are being introduced to combat climate change and maintain food security in rural areas. The French Global Environment Facility is funding a development project implemented by...
2015 - Institut de recherche pour le développement

Article de blog
Wadi: A model for sustainable tribal livelihood

Amongst the various models for sustainable livelihoods being tried and tested in the tribal areas of India, the Wadi model has shown a lot of promise. Abhijeet Mohanty, Kieran Robson and Rosie Clarkson, find out why and how the Wadi model is doing in the tribal areas of Koraput district...
2015 - India Together

Arrancó Semana Mundial del Suelo, Guatemala se unirá al lanzamiento

La Semana Mundial del Suelo reúne a más de 550 participantes de 78 países que trabajan en la gestión sostenible del suelo y la gobernanza de la tierra
Noticia donde se destaca que Guatemala no será la excepción en conmemorar y se unirá al lanzamiento oficial del Año Internacional de los Suelos junto con la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO-Guatemala). La Semana Mundial del Suelo 2015 coincide con el Año Internacional de los...

Article de blog
Misión en Paraguay apoya tres procesos para el desarrollo de la AF

Apoyo en la puesta en marcha de un consejo consultivo; trabajo sobre los sistemas de información y registro; apoyo al rediseño de la Dirección Nacional de Coordinación y Administración de Proyectos (Dincap). El Programa FIDA Mercosur CLAEH desarrolla esas tres áreas de trabajo en una intensa misión en Paraguay. En primer...

Article de blog
Commission hopes new CAP grants will boost number of young farmers

The new Common Agricultural Policy for the period 2014-2020 is expected to provide nearly 180,000 young farmers with an installation grant, an EU spokesman has told EurActiv.
European Union
2015 - EuroActiv

Pathways to lasting impact for rural dryland communities in the developing world

Annual report 2014
This research aims to provide the evidence required to help put dryland issues firmly on the development agenda at national, regional, and global levels. Dryland Systems research informs the interventions required by providing international public goods – tools, methods, practices, policies, and technologies – to enhance the economic and social...

Foro Internacional para Fortalecer la Agricultura Familiar, Campesina e Indígena: Por un futuro para los pequeños productores

El evento ha sido organizado por la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (SEDESOL), el H. Senado de la República y la Red Mexicana por la Agricultura Familiar y Campesina. Tiene como objetivo crear un espacio de diálogo y construcción colectiva entre actores de la sociedad civil, gobierno, academia, agricultores y campesinos...
2015 - Red Mexicana por la Agricultura Familiar y Campesina

Étude de cas
Organic waste for land restoration

In Central Asia, unsustainable land management has turned large areas of productive land into wastelands. “Not possible, no water, too hot…” has for a long time been the standard response from locals when asked why there has been so little effort to reverse natural resource degradation. But in recent years,...
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Gestión y transformación de conflictos sociales relacionados con agua, ambiente y cambio climático

Los objetivos de este curso-taller son: Brindar conceptos básicos para entender, diagnosticar, prevenir, mediar e intervenir en problemas y conflictos sociales, desde la perspectiva de la no-violencia durante su gestión, negociación, transformación y resolución. Compartir metodologías, herramientas y experiencias provenientes de casos similares al peruano, para que sean capaces de lidiar de...
2015 - Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM)

Note/document d'orientation
Africa’s smallholders adapting to climate change

The need for national governments and international climate finance to support women producers
Climate change is undermining the ability of African nations to feed themselves. Women smallholder producers are on the front line of dealing with the impacts, but are not first in line for international climate finance. Wealthy countries have committed to helping countries in Africa to adapt to climate change, but...
Ethiopia - Ghana - Malawi - Mozambique - Nigeria - South Africa - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2015 - Oxfam International

Delegados del MERCOSUR conocieron experiencias de pequeños productores en Chimborazo

Noticia sobre la visita de los delegados de la Reunión Especializada de Agricultura Familiar (REAF) del Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) al Centro de Acopio de Guaslán, provincia de Chimborazo,  en el contexto del Encuentro Internacional de Compras Públicas para Pequeños Agricultores.  El objetivo del encuentro fue promover el comercio...
2015 - El Ciudadano

Article de revue spécialisée
Economic analysis of the role of farmer organizations in enhancing smallholder potato farmers’ income in Middle Guinea

Farmers’ organizations are inclusive of the poor and are charged with the purpose of becoming a market outlet for smallholder farmers in Guinea. Improving farmers’ income earning capability and agricultural productivity has been an important strategy of Guinea’s agriculture development policy. However, despite their growing importance, empirical studies on how...

Article de blog
Minagri impulsará agricultura familiar con apoyo técnico

El Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (Minagri) lanzará, en breve, las políticas definitivas que permitan darle mayor impulso a la agricultura familiar, además de facilitarles apoyo técnico, anunció el representante en el Perú de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), John Preissing. Refirió que...
2015 - Andina

Rural Business Development Project

On October 02, 2015 Mr. Marinko Čavara, the President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ms. Khalida Bouzar, director of the IFAD Division for North Africa, Europe and Near East signed the Rural Business Development Project.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2015 - Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Total results:19529