Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Document de travail
Characterization of indigenous breeding strategies of the sheep farming communities of Ethiopia

This working paper synthesizes and analyzes the characteristics of the indigenous sheep production and breeding strategies and practices of four sheep farming communities located in pastoral (Amibara), sub-alpine sheep-barley (Menz), perennial crop-livestock (Bonga), and cereal-livestock (Horro) production systems. The paper also provides a model framework for characterizing the indigenous sheep...
2013 - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

La agricultura familiar en el Ecuador

Informe del proyecto análisis de la pobreza y de la desigualdad en América Latina Rural
El presente trabajo aborda un tema de importancia estratégica para el sector rural como es la agricultura familiar. Recientemente han surgido una serie de estudios que obedecen a la importancia asignada a este sector de productores rurales en las políticas públicas de la región. De esta forma, la agricultura familiar...
2013 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Article de revue
Economic problems of small farms and their expectations for the CAP 2014-2020 reform

Prepared by the European Union institutions a new financial and task perspective, the same as economic reform raises hopes, anxieties and even social emotions. Each time it is, especially for its potential beneficiaries, a new playing field for privileges, institutional economic benefits, as well as hopes for strengthening their position...

La agricultura familiar en Guatemala

Informe del proyecto análisis de la pobreza y de la desigualdad en América Latina Rural
La situación agraria ha sido el eje sobre el que se ha construido la historia de Guatemala y quizás la principal fuente de conflictos políticos, económicos y sociales. “Esta es una tragedia que lleva más de cinco siglos en este pequeño país y que todavía no llega a su fin”....
2013 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Article de revue
Promouvoir la pratique du warrantage pour faciliter l’accès aux intrants aux petits agriculteurs dans la zone d’intervention du PICOFA, au Burkina Faso

Dans la région Est du Burkina Faso, le Projet d’investissement communautaire en fertilité agricole (PICOFA) a entrepris de disséminer la pratique du Warrantage de auprès des groupements de femmes et de jeunes en vue de réduire la vulnérabilité des ménages en période de soudure et faciliter l’accès aux crédits, parfois nécessaires...
Burkina Faso
2013 - Innovation environnement développement Afrique (IED Afrique)

Situando la agricultura familiar en México

Principales características y tipología
En el documento presentamos los principales resultados de nuestras indagaciones sobre la agricultura familiar (AF en adelante) en México. Empezamos exponiendo el debate sobre el papel de la AF en el desarrollo económico del país hasta los años 1970 (en ese entonces el término usado fue el de campesinado) y...
2013 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Document de travail
WAW Vision and Global Framework for Action 2013-2015

In March 2011, in collaboration with FAO, IFAD, France and CIRAD, the World Agriculture Watch secretariat was established in FAO, as an International Initiative gathering different partners. Following two successful awareness building events (at the Committee on Food Security in October 2011 and at the Farmers’ Forum in February 2012...
2013 - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Partie d’un ouvrage
Southern african agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Swaziland

The majority of the rural people in Swaziland depend on cash income for survival strategies. Rural agriculture is insufficient to meet all food needs, but agricultural production provides a vital supplement to other food sources as well as employment opportunities during peak agricultural seasons (such as for weeding and harvesting).  ...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Note/document d'orientation
Appropriate climate smart technologies for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa

Nearly 70 per cent of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) live in rural areas and rely mainly on agriculture for livelihood security. Low agricultural productivity in the region keeps this population under constant pressure, even though investment in agriculture is a proven way to reduce regional poverty. Studies have...
2013 - Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)

Evolución de la agricultura familiar en El Salvador

El presente estudio aporta evidencia empírica para responder a un conjunto de preguntas de interés: 1. ¿Cuál es la situación actual de las economías rurales en El Salvador? 2. ¿Dónde existe un potencial poco explotado de asistir a los productores rurales a expandir sus estrategias de vida (livelihoods)? 3. ¿Dónde se pueden invertir...
El Salvador
2013 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Fiche d'information
The role of livestock data in rural Africa: The Tanzanian case study

Many farmers across rural Africa depend on their livestock for survival. Whether animals such as chickens, goats, pigs and cattle are used as a primary source of household food or as income from the sale of animal by-products, they represent an important asset to many families throughout the continent. This reality,...
United Republic of Tanzania
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agricultura Familiar en Nicaragua

El presente estudio se realiza en el marco de la Iniciativa “Expanding Livelihood Opportunities for Poor Households” (ELOPHI) de la Fundación Ford; tiene como objetivo comprender mejor las características de las economías rurales y agrícolas de Nicaragua; busca identificar el potencial de los productores rurales respecto a sus estrategias de...
2013 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Implementing improved tenure governance in fisheries

A technical guide to support the implementation of the voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security
This Guide has been developed to assist in the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (the VGGT) with regard to fisheries in marine and inland waters. It explains the characteristics of the fisheries...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Fiche d'information
Cash Transfers: Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa

Cash Transfers: Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa Cash transfers are regular money payments to poor households. In sub-Saharan Africa, cash transfer programmes target the poorest and most vulnerable people, who are mostly subsistence farmers. Some programmes specifically target families with members who have disabilities or who take care of orphans or older people. Eligible households...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Labelling of agricultural and food products of mountain farming

With a view to making the mountain products on the market more clearly identifiable and less misleading for consumers, the EU institutions legislated on a common definition of an optional quality term, 'mountain product', in the labelling of agricultural products. The term 'mountain product' should only be used for products...
European Union
2013 - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (Joint Research Centre)

Article de revue spécialisée
The consolidation of the sub-regional economy through the cap policies for small farmers – study-case: Romania

Small farmers always represented a characteristic of the Romanian rural milieu, playing a determinant part in maintaining the local vivacity, in developing the regional economy and, most important, in keeping traditions and a unique ethno cultural specificity. The communist era represented a profound destructive experience, when villages vanished as communities...

Organic Agriculture's Contribution to Sustainability

Sustainability is about ecosystem integrity, social well-being, economic resilience, and good governance. According to the current state of knowledge and development, how does organic agriculture contribute to each of these sustainability dimensions?

Hacia la resilencia: una guía para la reducción del riesgo de desastres y adaptación al cambio climático

Es un recurso de carácter introductorio destinado al personal de organizaciones de desarrollo y ayuda humanitaria que trabaja con personas cuyas vidas y derechos se ven amenazados por los desastres y el cambio climático.La guía contiene información introductoria, principios de prácticas efectivas, directrices para la acción en una serie de...
2013 - Practical Action

The Art of Dar HD -The most exclusive gourmet products from Transylvania

The Art of Dar combines the highest quality Transylvanian foods and crafts. It has successfully used a news story, provoking media interest, to raise the profile of Transylvanian products in general and it was created as an innovative way of found raising.  The product line was launched at the SIAL global...
2013 - ADEPT Fundation

Partie d’un ouvrage
East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Sudan

This chapter is meant to further the understanding of policymakers concerning the potential impact of climate change on agriculture in Sudan, along SUDAN 281 with various adaptation options. The chapter begins with a review of some national statistics that will help characterize the capacity of the population to adapt to...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Total results:19745