Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Thème principal

Regionalwert AG — Help for farms in crisis | Made in Germany

This short video  presents the basic concept of the Regionalwert AG (RWAG) and interviews founder Christian Hiss, the fruit farmer Joel Siegel as well as shareholders who have invested in the RWAG.
2012 - Access to land

Guía para invertir en bosques localmente controlados

Esta guía para invertir en bosques localmente controlados (IBLC, o ILCF por sus siglas en inglés) es el resultado de la iniciativa de la Growing Forest Partnerships, mediante la cual The Forests Dialogue coordinó 11 diálogos de gran alcance en los que participaron inversionistas, poseedores de derechos, gobiernos, donantes y...

Document de conférence
Determinants of adoption and utilisation of Integrated Soil Fertility Management by small holders in Central Kenya

Per capita food production in Africa has been declining over the last two decades, contrary to global trends due to soil fertility decline. The study sought to determine factors that influence adoption and utilization of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) technologies by smallholder farmers in central Kenya. Two hundred and...
2012 - Kenyatta University

Empleo y condiciones de trabajo de mujeres temporeras agrícolas

Tomo 2
Los trabajos que se presentan a continuación constituyen una nueva colaboración entre agencias de Naciones Unidas en este tema. Debido a la vital importancia de las áreas rurales en los desafíos de superación de la pobreza y los défi cits de trabajo decente en América Latina, la Ofi cina Regional...
Brazil - Costa Rica - Ecuador - Mexico - Peru

Social protection for food security

A report by Social protection for food security The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition
Social protection has risen rapidly up the development policy agenda in the last decade. There is also a clear trend to making social protection, as well as food security, ‘rights-based’ rather than ‘discretionary’. Yet no clear consensus has so far emerged concerning many basic design choices and implementation modalities of...
2012 - The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition

Comptes rendus de conférence
Regional policy forum on youth and rural modernization

The Forum was divided into five segments and took the form of panel discussions. The four main panels were: Youth Business Development in the Caribbean; Valorizing youth and rural resources through enterprise development. Leadership and Advocacy; Building capacities for policy development, succession planning and sustainability. Agriculture in schools; Broadening the scope and possibilities...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname
2012 - The Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

Document technique
Enjeux fonciers et développement "durable" au Mali

Selon l'auteur, faire du Foncier un fait économique total, et du capital le moteur du développement, c’est donner un blanc-seing à la marchandisation de la terre .D'où les questions qu'elle se pose: Faut-il vraiment que le Mali cède ses terres agricoles et ses ressources foncières pour accéder au développement? Pour...
2012 - Unité de formation et de recherche UFR - Droit-Science politique

Revue spécialisée
Nature & Faune: The Forest-Agriculture interface: a zone for enhanced productivity?

This issue of Nature & Faune aims at highlighting the complexity of the interface between forest and agriculture in Africa. The editorial presents agroforestry, as a useful linkage between forestry and agriculture for increased productivity in agriculture and forestry. It recognizes the limitations of agroforestry at the current stage of...
Benin - Cameroon - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ghana - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Engagement féminin et agriculture vivrière familiale

 Colloque « Genre et agriculture familiale paysanne. Regards Nord-Sud. Débats entre mondes académique, du développement et de la formation »: au Sénégal, 60% des personnes travaillant dans l’agriculture vivrière familiale sont des femmes. Dans ce domaine elles assurent près de 70% des opérations culturales (semis, sarclages, binages, récoltes ) et...
2012 - Canal-U

Document de conférence
Propuesta de tratamientos naturales de las aguas residuales en escuelas agropecuarias y tambos familiares de la Región Pampeana.

Esta presentación aborda una propuesta de comenzar a trabajar con la implementación de tratamientos naturales de aguas residuales considerando el reuso de efluentes y la devolución al ambiente de aguas residuales tratadas naturalmente para que estén en condiciones de no afectar la calidad de las aguas subterráneas, en sistemas productivos...
2012 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Étude de cas
Enhanced top soil carbon stocks under organic farming

It has been suggested that conversion to organic farming contributes to soil carbon sequestration, but until now a comprehensive quantitative assessment has been lacking. Therefore, datasets from 74 studies from pairwise comparisons of organic vs. nonorganic farming systems were subjected to metaanalysis to identify differences in soil organic carbon (SOC)....

Étude de cas
Insecticides Make High Quality Eggplant (Brinjal) Production in India Possible

Brinjal, also known as eggplant or aubergine, is native to India and has been cultivated in the country for over 4000 years. A total of 1.4 million small family farms grow brinjal on 550,000 hectares. It is an important cash crop for poor farmers, who transplant it from nurseries at...
2012 - CropLife Foundation

Fiche d'information
Folleto de la Iniciativa América Latina y Caribe sin Hambre

Definición, objetivos, participantes de la Iniciativa América Latina y Caribe Sin Hambre.
2012 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Construcción participativa de biodigestores familiares en Escuelas Agrarias

El artículo analiza la participación de los distintos actores en la construcción de instalaciones destinadas a la producción de bioenergía en establecimientos agropecuarios. En la foto se muestra el proceso de construcción de las instalación del equipo de biogas en el establecimiento

Étude de cas
Organic agriculture and the law

This publication seeks to identify and explain the different legal issues related to organic production, including a comparative analysis of selected public and private legal sources of international relevance, as well as recommendations on the issues to consider in the design of national organic agriculture legislation. It is a first...
Argentina - Canada - India - Japan - Tunisia - United States of America
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Investigación - Acción - Participativa sobre un Arado Tracción Animal Proyecto “Tecnologías Apropiadas para la Producción Primaria de la Agricultura Familiar”

En el marco de las actividades del Proyecto “Tecnologías Apropiadas para la Producción Primaria de la Agricultura Familiar”, se evaluó una herramienta de labranza horizontal-vertical de suelos, para tracción animal.

Site web
Programa Modernización Sustentable de la Agricultura Tradicional (MasAgro)

Modernización Sustentable de la Agricultura Tradicional, MasAgro, es un esfuerzo que encabeza México, junto con el CIMMYT, para fortalecer la seguridad alimentaria a través de la investigación y el desarrollo, la generación de capacidades y la transferencia de tecnologías al campo para que los pequeños y medianos productores  de maíz...
2012 - MasAgro

Article de revue spécialisée
National Politics and Local Conflicts. Landowners from the Province of Llanquihue and Rural Mobilization in the Chilean Agrarian Reform

This article analyzes the response of agricultural landowners from the Southern Province of Llanquihue towards rural workers’ unprecedented mobilization during Chile’s Agrarian Reform, between 1970 and the period right after Salvador Allende’s election (1970-1971). It states that landowners developed flexible and complex strategies in which they combined both, their own...
2012 - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC)

Organic Equivalence Tools

International Requirements for Organic Certification Bodies (IROCB) and Guide for Assessing Equivalence of Organic Standards and Technical Regulations (EquiTool) - Version 2
The Global Organic Market Access (GOMA) project continued a partnership of FAO, IFOAM and UNCTAD, which began in 2002 when the three organizations convened the International Task Force on Harmonization and Equivalence in Organic Agriculture (ITF). The objective of this partnership has been to facilitate trade in organic products in...

Comptes rendus de conférence
Proceedings of the Global Organic Market Access (GOMA) Conference

At this high-level international conference, the partners drew together a distinguished group of public and private sector leaders to examine the past, present and future of organic market access relative to systems of organic standards and conformity assessment. Developments and challenges for dominant and emerging exporting/importing economies and for still-developing...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:19745