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Основная тема

Pastoralisme méditerranéen: patrimoine culturel et paysager et développement durable

Actes de la deuxième réunion thématique d’experts sur le pastoralisme méditerranéen, 12-14 novembre 2009 –Tirana (Albanie)
Le pastoralisme est une des pratiques les plus anciennes de l’activité humaine. Il produit des paysages spécifiques, à la fois par la marque qu'il imprime au territoire et par les traditions culturelles matérielles et immatérielles qui leur sont associées. Exposé à des mutations profondes dans certaines régions, en voie de...
2010 - CIHEAM (Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes)

Технический документ
Calidad de suelos en una situación de producción de cerdos sobre pastoreo

Actualmente en nuestro país se están tomando medidas que fomentan y exigen un desarrollo sustentable en el manejo de los suelos del país. A lo largo de la historia hubo períodos de expansión agrícola que fueron acompañados de severa degradación de los suelos, llegando inclusive a dejar grandes áreas inutilizadas...
2010 - Universidad de la República de Uruguay. Facultad de Agronomía

Four Acres and Independence - A Self-Sufficient Farmstead

Take a tour, accompanied by curious sheep and geese, of Mark Cooper's self-sufficient small farm. Over several years, he transformed a rundown house and hillsides of berry brambles into pasture and gardens where he produces and preserves most of his family's food. Visit the Goose Grotto in a constructed pond,...
European Union

Lil’ Farm: The Art Of Small Scale Farming

Lil' Farm is located in Orange County, NC and owned and operated by George O'Neil with the help of a handful of volunteers.
United States of America

Технический документ
Evaluación de la sustentabilidad de la producción familiar de cerdos a campo: un estudio de seis casos en la zona sur del Uruguay

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo generar una metodología específica para evaluar la sustentabilidad de la producción familiar de cerdos a campo, y obtener líneas de interpretación de su sustentabilidad mediante un análisis relativo y horizontal de seis casos en el sur de Uruguay.
2010 - Universidad de la República

Romania and the Common Agricultural Policy

The future of small scale Romanian farming in Europe
Romania is a country of peasants, with a long deep history in peasant agriculture, which effects everything in the country, including its art, culture, and the way Romanians think. This has survived despite the best efforts of past empires and communists to destroy it. Today peasant culture remains the bedrock...
2010 - EcoRuralis

Comprendre l’agriculture familiale

Diagnostic des systèmes de production
Le développement de services de qualité, au bénéfice des agricultures familiales des pays du Sud, revêt un enjeu économique et social considérable. Tout d’abord, parce que l’agriculture familiale rassemble une grande partie de l’humanité. En effet, au sein de la population rurale mondiale, qui représente encore 41 % de la...
2009 - Quæ, CTA, Presses agronomiques de Gembloux

Evaluación de la sustentabilidad de dos sistemas de producción de cacao: estudios de caso en unidades de producción rural en Comalcalco, Tabasco

El Marco de Evaluación de Sistemas de Manejo de Recursos Naturales Incorporando Indicadores de Sustentabilidad (MESMIS) se utilizó para evaluar comparativamente la sustentabilidad de dos unidades de producción de cacao en el municipio de Comalcalco, Tabasco durante 2006. El método de estudio de casos se empleó mediante la combinación de...
2009 - Universidad Ciencia: Trópico Húmedo

The role of agriculture and farm household diversification in the rural economy

This report was prepared by a consultant, Darryl Jones, with contributions from Catherine Moreddu (co-ordinator) and Toru Kumagai. It was declassified by the Working Party on Agricultural Policies and Markets at its meeting of 23-24 February 2009. The report was prepared for publication by Louise Schets. This study was conducted...
2009 - OECD

Газетная статья
Agribusiness Involvement in Local Agriculture as a ‘White Knight’? A Case Study of Dole Japan’s Fresh Vegetable Business

In the past two decades, Japanese agriculture has been shrinking under policies of deregulation, with domestic production being replaced rapidly by imports, in which multinational agribusinesses are key players. Today there is an increasing presence of multinational corporations in Japanese rural sites. Dole Japan, a subsidiary of Dole Food Company,...

Growing vegetables for home and market

The purpose of the FAO Diversification booklets is to raise awareness and provide decision support information about opportunities at farm and local community level to increase the incomes of small-scale farmers. Each booklet focuses on a farm or non-farm enterprise that can be integrated into small farms to increase incomes...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Журнальная статья
Alcances sobre la agricultura familiar en América Latina

En América Latina, las diversas referencias a los pequeños productores agropecuarios emplean, de manera indistinta, las siguientes denominaciones: agricultura campesina, agricultura familiar e, incluso, agricultura familiar campesina. Una estimación gruesa de su importancia, nos indica que los más de 14 millones de unidades que la conforman, representan entre un 30%...
2008 - Dialogo Rural Iberoamericano

What means adapting to wolf reappearance for sheep farmers in French Southern Alps?

Wolves have been coming back for several years in the southern French Alps. In two valleys of the Mercantour national park, they have been present for 15 years. Sheep farmers have to adapt their farming systems to this presence. We carried out surveys among the sheep farmers i) to describe...

Политический обзор/документ
Measuring Ethiopian farmers’ vulnerability to climate change across regional states

Ethiopia’s agricultural sector, which is dominated by smallscale, mixed crop, and livestock farming, is the mainstay of the country’s economy. It constitutes more than half the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP), generates more than 85 percent of the foreign exchange earnings, and employs about 80 percent of the population. Ethiopia’s...
2008 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Политический обзор/документ
Micro-level analysis of farmers’ adaptation to climate change in Southern Africa

Agricultural production remains the main source of livelihood for rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa, providing employment to more than 60 percent of the population and contributing about 30 percent of gross domestic product. With likely long-term changes in rainfall patterns and shifting temperature zones, climate change is expected to significantly...
South Africa - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2008 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Тематическое исследование
Soberanía alimentaria y la descolonización del saber. "Vivimos criando la chacra"

La experiencia de Sablog Chico y Sablog San José, Guamote, Chimborazo
Sablog Chico y Sablog San José son dos comunidades andinas que viven auténticamente el ser campesinos. Su territorio es el lugar en donde las prácticas de sus abuelos y sus saberes locales, recobraron valor para continuar regenerando la vida comunera. Es el lugar donde cotidianamente se tejen relaciones de producción...
2008 - Fundación Heifer Ecuador

Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología (SOCLA)

La Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología (SOCLA), es una organización regional dedicada a promover la agroecología como estrategia indispensable para alcanzar un desarrollo rural y sistemas alimentarios sostenibles en América Latina. Para lograr este objetivo, SOCLA realiza un congreso latinoamericano bianual, organiza cursos cortos en varios países y produce publicaciones sobre...
2007 - Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología (SOCLA)

Технический документ
The challenges facing West African family farms in accessing agricultural innovations

Institutional and political Implications
West African countries are expecting major contributions from science and technology in the agricultural sector in order to meet the significant challenges of economic growth, food security, and overall poverty reduction. Although Research-Development in West Africa has experienced instability with regard to financing, much effort has been made over the...
2007 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Тематическое исследование
The Process of Agroecological Transition – A Case Study from Southern Brazil

This is a participatory case study together with the Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Cetap (Centro de Tecnologias Alternativas Populares) in Brazil and the farmers in two of the groups with whom Cetap cooperates. The objective of the study is to describe and evaluate the process of agroecological transition with the...
2007 - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

Газетная статья
Intercropping aromatic plants with coffee (Coffea arabica L.) under greenhouse and field conditions

Most of the natural products that cause allelopathy are secondary metabolism copounds synthesized by plants and microorganisms, and most of the currently identified are present in aromatic plants. Allelopathic and autotoxic effects of coffe plants are well known due to production and accumulation of caffeine in a soluble form in...
2007 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Total results:3102