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Основная тема

Свободное, предварительное и осознанное согласие

Право коренных народов и рекомендуемые методы работы с местными общинами
Руководство «Свободное, предварительное и информированное согласие» (FPIC) разработано в качестве инструмента для специалистов широкого круга проектов и программ любой организации , занимающейся международным развитием , и предоставляет информацию о праве на свободное, предварительное и проинформированное согласие , и о том, как его можно реализовать в шесть шагов. Пособие основано на...
2017 - Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация ООН (ФАО)

Свободное, предварительное и осознанное согласие: Право коренных народов и рекомендуемые методы работы с местными общинами

Руководство «Свободное, предварительное и информированное согласие» (FPIC) разработано в качестве инструмента для специалистов широкого круга проектов и программ любой организации , занимающейся международным развитием , и предоставляет информацию о праве на свободное, предварительное и проинформированное согласие , и о том, как его можно реализовать в шесть шагов. Пособие основано на...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Тематическое исследование
Nigusi Memarta Afari Mebata:the king and his rules shall pass, but the ways of the Afar shall last forever

There are 1.8 million Afar in Ethiopia, making them one of the largest groups of mobile pastoralists in sub-Saharan Africa. 
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Статья в блоге
Indigenous Terra Madre 2024 – Abya Yala Peoples : Our ways of life and knowledge are the best incubator for solutions to the global food crisis

Indigenous Terra Madre 2024 - Abya Yala Peoples : Our ways of life and knowledge are the best incubator for solutions to the global food crisis   ●      The ancestral peoples of Abya Yala, children of the Earth, are custodians of 80% of the planet’s biodiversity.     Indigenous Terra Madre 2024 - Abya Yala...
2024 - Slow Food

Газетная статья
Target, tool, tenure and timing: the four T’s limiting the impact of traditional hunting in Indonesian Papua

Subsistence hunting has sustained human populations in New Guinea for millennia, without seriously affecting the highest levels of biodiversity on Earth. Recent changes to hunting practices, demographic, social and economic context and the introduction of large exotic species has significantly altered the dynamic of hunting and its potential effects in...

Тематическое исследование
Construcción de cisternas para cosecha de agua de lluvia en tres comunidades indígenas de Charagua

Una tecnología socialmente adaptable
Esta publicación describe el proceso de transformación comunitaria vivido en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, donde las dinámicas climáticas pueden oscilar entre la sequía y las lluvias torrenciales, con enfoque en la participación colectiva intergeneracional y el desarrollo de innovaciones gracias a la implementación de cisternas para cosecha de agua...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Palms of New Guinea

The island of New Guinea is one of the world’s highest diversity areas in terms of its 13,600 vascular plant species. It is also one of the least botanically explored parts of the world, so documentation of the flora is very important. The documentation of palms is as important as...
Indonesia - Papua New Guinea
2024 - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Advancing agrobiodiversity: why organisations of smallholders and Indigenous Peoples are vital

Agrobiodiversity is the subset of biodiversity found within agricultural ecosystems. It feeds us with nutrients vital to our health. It fuels and furnishes our homes. It underpins cultural traditions. It sustains farm productivity in the face of climate change. But agrobiodiversity is rapidly being lost.  Just three crops account for half...
Ecuador - Ghana - Madagascar - Nepal - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2024 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Газетная статья
Predicting animal abundance through local ecological knowledge: An internal validation using consensus analysis

Given the ongoing environmental degradation from local to global scales, it is fundamental to develop more efficient means of gathering data on species and ecosystems. Local ecological knowledge, in which local communities can consistently provide information on the status of animal species over time, has been shown to be effective....

Электронные учебные курсы
Gender Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Forestry-Related Sectors

About this program Explore how gender equality, diversity, and inclusion drive sustainability and transformative change within forest-related sectors. What you’ll learn: Foster sustainability and facilitate transformative change In today’s evolving forest-related sectors, understanding and integrating gender equality, diversity, and inclusion (GEDI) is crucial for fostering sustainability and facilitating transformative change. This course delves into the...
2024 - The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

Информационный сборник
Brief Guide to Food Plants in the Magdalena Milpas Altas Region

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
2024 - Food Plant Solutions

Статья в блоге
Innovating tradition to protect ancient forests in Papua New Guinea

Supporting an Indigenous Peoples’ community to monitor forests with satellites and tablet
Besta Pulum cannot contain his excitement about the tablet computer he is holding in his hands. “When I was young, I never saw that kind of computer. Now I’m seeing it; I didn’t sleep [from excitement],” says the community chief, who reckons his age at around 60. Like his father before...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - FAO

Тематическое исследование
Mainstreaming biodiversity in forestry

Country case studies
Forests harbour a large proportion of the Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity, which continues to be lost at an alarming rate. Deforestation is the single most important driver of forest biodiversity loss with 10 million ha of forest converted every year to other land uses, primarily for agriculture. Up to 30 percent...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ethiopia - Finland - Japan - Malaysia - Mexico - Peru - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2024 - FAO

Farms. Food. Future. Agriculture's Indigenous trailblazers

Over 80 per cent of our planet's biodiversity is found on the territories of Indigenous Peoples, who have been farming for generations while caring for forests, deserts, grasslands and oceans. By growing food sustainably, they are leading the way on transforming food systems. On this episode, Indigenous leaders from Nepal, Mexico...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Is indigenous knowledge serving climate adaptation? Evidence from various African regions

Motivation Communities across the global south use their rich indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) to predict weather events and climate hazards. ILK may assist efforts to address climate change challenges in Africa and make subsequent decisions regarding climate adaptation. Purpose The article documents evidence of the ILK's potential in reducing vulnerability to climate...

Электронные учебные курсы
Diálogos de Saberes y Prácticas de la Agricultura Familiar La agricultura familiar frente al cambio climático: experiencias y soluciones desde la Agroecología

Reflexionar sobre los desafíos para avanzar en una agenda de transformación de los sistemas alimentarios y de construcción de sociedades más prosperas e inclusivas pasa por hacer frente a los efectos/impactos del cambio climático y fortalecer iniciativas que permitan una transición a sistemas productivos más sostenible. El hambre y la...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Электронные учебные курсы
Ciclo de Aprendizaje Regional: Lecciones aprendidas para la inversión en delimitación y reconocimiento de territorios indígenas y afrodescendientes de América Latina

Un ciclo para intercambiar experiencias entre diferentes países y brindar orientación y recomendaciones, con el objetivo de abordar procesos de regularización y fortalecimiento de los derechos de tenencia de los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes. El análisis de los derechos a la tierra y los territorios de estas colectividades permitirá ahondar...
2023 - International Land Coalition América Latina y el Caribe (ILC LAC)

Slow Food highlights the importance of indigenous foods at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

The 23rd session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), held in New York from April 17 to 28, will focus on Indigenous Peoples, human health, planetary and territorial health and climate change: a rights-based approach.
Members of the Slow Food Indigenous Peoples’ network will be present at the Forum, including six delegates from Taiwan, representing the Amis, Taroko and Paiwan indigenous peoples’ communities. They are there to showcase the incredible biodiversity of Taiwan, and how Indigenous communities have protected it. “We would like the world to be...
Taiwan Province of China
2023 - Slow Food

Статья в блоге
Nuevo proyecto de la FAO y Guatemala fortalecerá los medios de vida de 116 mil personas del área rural del país

La Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y el Gobierno de Guatemala firmaron el acuerdo del proyecto Medios de vida resilientes de pequeños agricultores vulnerables en los paisajes mayas y el corredor seco de Guatemala (RELIVE), iniciativa que proveerá de condiciones para mejorar la seguridad...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Gender Transformative Approaches to Strengthen Women’s Land and Resource Rights

International standards and policies are clear about women’s right to equality in the enjoyment of all their rights, including rights to access, use, inherit, control and own land. Sustainable Development Goal Target 5.a specifically calls for reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to,...
2023 - Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD
Total results:937
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