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Основная тема

Tropical Forest Issues - Agroforestry at work

"Why do many farmers still resist adopting and scaling agroforestry? Are the economic benefits not enough, or not perceived to be enough? Or are there other reasons? These are the questions that were asked when work began on Tropical Forest Issues 62. This issue contextualizes agroforestry in four introductory articles in...
2024 - Tropenbos International

L'espoir au delà des crises - Entrepreneuriat des femmes : développons le consommer local !

Dans ce podcast, Délia Diabangouaya, co­fondatrice de ChocoTogo au Togo et Maimouna Diori, fondatrice et directrice générale de la Laitière du Sahel au Niger nous racontent leur parcours, difficultés et espoirs en tant qu’entrepreneuses et grandes adeptes du consommer local. Elles nous parlent de la place primordiale des femmes dans la...
2024 - Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale

La femme rurale face aux défis d’irrigation

Agridigitale TV propose un documentaire inédit qui retrace les défis d’accès à l’eau et surtout à l’irrigation des femmes rurales et agricultrices des différentes régions du Togo. Véritable levier de renforcement de l’autonomie économique des femmes, l’irrigation est donc un enjeux majeur dans le secteur agricole togolais.

L'espoir au delà des crises - Environnement : les femmes, piliers du savoir agro-écologique

Si aujourd'hui on parle d’agroécologie, c'est grâce aux savoirs et pratiques des femmes rurales dans l'agriculture vivrière. Leur refuser le droit d’accès à la terre au profit de l’agrobusiness sonne le glas de notre santé environnementale et de notre souveraineté alimentaire. Comment préserver les savoir-faire ancestraux tout en les adaptant aux...
2024 - Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale

Информационный сборник
Mali: Fostering Agricultural Productivity Project

This project introduced a range of renewable energy technologies to enhance the lives of rural people. Biogas digesters were coupled with latrines and slurry storage was developed. Sustainable bio slurry will replace chemical fertilizers, allowing households to save money and consume healthier foods. Biogas digesters also alleviate burdens on women...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Making Climate-Smart Cocoa Inclusive: Towards a Framework for Gender Transformation

Climate-Smart Cocoa (CSC), a strategic offshoot of the wider Climate-Smart Agriculture, is gaining ground in Ghana, a cocoa export-dependent country. CSC is imperative, given the rapidly declining forests, prolonged periods of drought, pest and disease infestations, and fluctuating cocoa yields attributed to climate variability and change. Although many interventions are...
2024 - University of South Africa

The unjust climate

Measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth
Developing policies to foster inclusive rural transformation processes requires better evidence on how climate change is affecting the livelihoods and economic behaviours of vulnerable rural people, including women, youths and people living in poverty. In particular, there is little comparative, multi-country and multi-region evidence to understand how exposure to weather...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
Towards gender equality: A novel index to measure the empowerment of women in livestock keeping households

The Women’s Empowerment Livestock Index (WELI) is tailored for areas where livestock farming is prominent, aiming to assess the impact of livestock interventions on women's empowerment. By identifying effective interventions, the index seeks to improve empowerment opportunities for women in the sector, thereby enhancing household livelihoods, nutrition, and gender equity....
2024 - International Livestock Research Institute

Технический документ
Innovation and family farming

Family farmers innovate by developing assemblages of old and new food system practices and organizational processes, using both traditional and diverse forms of knowledge and connecting these with newly available information and technologies. These innovations have a holistic approach and can take many forms: technological, social, policy, financial, marketing, legislative...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Good Practices for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas

Euromontana kicks off the year with the publication of its annual booklet of good practices for sustainable mountain development. This publication showcases 10 inspiring initiatives from across Europe (EU and non-EU) collected by Euromontana throughout 2023 to promote initiatives that drive sustainable change in mountain areas. The booklet covers key issues for...
Austria - France - Germany - Italy - Norway - Poland - Romania - Spain - Switzerland
2024 - Euromontana - European Association of Mountain Areas

Информационный сборник
Developing Gender Transformative Approaches to Strengthen Women’s Land Rights in Bangladesh. Foundational Gender Analysis

Gender Transformative Approaches address root causes of gender inequality by fostering lasting changes in decision-making and resource control, offering a strategic framework to enhance women’s empowerment in accessing and managing land and production means, as well as natural resources.

Статья в блоге
Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition: Reinas Obreras: the women apiarists transforming their local community in Ecuador

The story of female beekeepers in Ecuador shows that by giving women more equitable access to resources and markets, improving their technical skills and knowledge, and addressing deeply rooted social norms perpetuating gender inequalities, gender transformative programming has the potential to enhance food security, improve nutrition and transform agrifood systems....
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
World Water Day 2024: Invest in women for peace and water security

This year's World Water Day theme, "Water for Peace," is particularly relevant given the global water, food, and humanitarian crises. These crises, exacerbated by conflicts, disproportionately affect women and girls, highlighting the urgent need to empower women in water management and crisis response. Investing in women not only enhances peace...
2024 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFRPI)

Статья в блоге
New toolkit amplifies inclusive innovation: user research can boost gender-responsive design

The role of digital innovation in agri-food systems is growing exponentially—the potential of digital tools to revolutionize how we detect disease, plan for sustainable use of inputs, or create awareness of seasonal extreme weather  events is unchallenged. However, what has been challenged is the inclusivity of the benefits of this...

CGIAR Research Initiative on Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia

Annual Technical Report 2023
In 2023, the CGIAR Research Initiative on Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) addressed the nexus of poverty, social inequities, malnutrition, environmental degradation, and climate change through research and innovation. Collaborating with 10 CGIAR Research Initiatives, engaging with five bilateral projects aligned with Initiative goals, and partnering with two...
Bangladesh - India - Nepal - Pakistan
2024 - CGIAR

Руководящие принципы
Gender equality and social inclusion for youth organizations

Methodological guidelines
Youth networks and organizations of young farmers, producers and entrepreneurs play a central role as partners in development initiatives that target youth in rural and agrifood spaces. By understanding and applying gender‑transformative and socially inclusive approaches, youth organizations can become more equitable, accessible, impactful and pluralistic platforms that legitimately represent...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Раздел книги
Reconnaître le rôle des femmes dans la sécurité alimentaire : études croisées sur l'alimentation familiale au Sénégal et au Nicaragua

La sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle (SAN) est une problématique centrale dans les zones rurales des pays du Sud où vit la majorité des personnes sous-alimentées dans le monde. L’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes font partie des objectifs de développement durable pour 2030, les femmes ayant été reconnues comme des...
Nicaragua - Senegal

Статья в блоге
Reinas Obreras: Mujeres apicultoras transforman su comunidad en Ecuador

La historia de las apicultoras en Ecuador demuestra que al brindar a las mujeres un acceso más equitativo a los recursos y mercados, mejorar sus habilidades y conocimientos técnicos, abordando las normas sociales profundamente arraigadas que perpetúan las desigualdades de género, la programación de género transformadora tiene el potencial de...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Empowering rural women to engage in responsible agricultural investments (RAI) in Sierra Leone

FAO developed this manual, in collaboration with Solidaridad West Africa, to support trainers in preparing and delivering the training on empowering rural women to engage in responsible agricultural investments (RAI). The design of this training programme is based upon a specific methodology that meets the learning needs of rural women...
Sierra Leone
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Тематическое исследование
A Qualitative Study Exploring Women’s Empowerment in Coffee Cooperatives in Chiapas, Mexico

This study presents findings from a qualitative research study conducted in Chiapas, Mexico that is one component of a larger activity funded by the Walmart Foundation and implemented by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), titled Applying New Evidence for Women’s Empowerment (ANEW). ANEW seeks to generate evidence from...
2024 - e International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Total results:1983