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Ethiopian dairy value chains

Quality upgrading in ethiopian dairy value chains: dovetailing upstream and downstream perspectives
In this article, we analyze opportunities and constraints for upgrading product quality in the dairy value chain in Ethiopia. Our analysis is based on an integrated understanding of supply chain performance both from producer and from consumer perspectives. We outline as main drivers for quality upgrading: (a) factors that influence...

European Young Farmers: Building a Sustainable Sector

The report outlines the results of an EU-wide survey among young farmers carried out by CEJA and DeLaval in all Member States. Based on a questionnaire, the objective was to discover the opinion of young farmers in relation to the sustainability of the agricultural sector, together with the challenges they...
2017 - CEJA

The household- and individual-level economic impacts of cash transfer programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa

Synthesis report
This report synthesizes the analysis and findings of a set of seven country impact evaluation studies that explore the impact of cash transfer programmes on household economic decision-making, productive activities and labour allocation in sub-Saharan Africa. The seven countries are Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Results from...
Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Lesotho - Malawi - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
Ethiopia’s huge honey production potential in search of modern techniques

The beehives of Ethiopia, Africa’s top honey producer, make about a quarter of the continent’s honey, but travellers who come to sample the liquid gold often find there isn’t enough to go around. In a country where 85% of all jobs are in agriculture, industry experts say the beekeeping – or...
2017 - EurActiv

Статья в блоге
New drought risks in Ethiopia put recovery at risk

FAO targets pastoralists in southern regions facing failed rains on heels of a calamitous El Niño
New drought across swathes of southern Ethiopia may jeopardize the East African nation's restoration of food security after the worst agricultural seasons in decades unless urgent efforts are made to shore up vulnerable households in rural areas, FAO warned today. While an impressive government-led humanitarian effort has sharply reduced the number...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agroecology: The Bold Future of Farming in Africa

Agroecology is deeply rooted in the ecological rationale of traditional small-scale agriculture, representing long established examples of successful agricultural systems characterized by a tremendous diversity of domesticated crop and animal species maintained and enhanced by ingenuous soil, water and biodiversity management regimes, nourished by complex traditional knowledge systems. Such complex...
Burkina Faso - Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Malawi - Togo - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zimbabwe
2017 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Статья в блоге
The EU must take the lead in linking agricultural trade to the SDGs

Trade in agriculture must now also play a central role in implementing many of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed by the United Nations in autumn 2015. The SDGs will have a direct and profound effect on trade in agriculture. Agriculture, in turn, will have a key role in...
2017 - EurActiv

Рабочий документ
Credit constraints and farm productivity

Micro-level evidence from smallholder farmers in Ethiopia
This paper investigates the nature, extent, and impacts of credit constraints in Ethiopia’s agriculture. Using a direct elicitation approach on a panel of 5,308 smallholder farmers, we find that around 66.6% were credit constrained, a majority of them (71.9%) due to risk factors and transaction costs (14.33%). The hypothesized heterogeneity...
2017 - African Development Bank (AfDB)

Политический обзор/документ
The economic case for the expansion of social protection programmes

Social protection is increasingly recognized as a critical strategy for poverty reduction and inclusive growth. Both, the 2030 Agenda, as well as Agenda for Humanity, stress the critical role social protection can play in the fight against poverty and exclusion, but also as a component of resilience building. However, more...
Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Lesotho - Malawi - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Alternative formation of rural savings and credit cooperatives and their implications

Evidence from Ethiopia
What is the optimal size and composition of Rural Savings and Credit Cooperatives (RuSACCOs)? With these broader questions in mind, we characterize alternative formation of RuSACCOs and their implications in improving rural households’ access to financial services, including savings, credit and insurance services. We find that some features of RuSACCOs...
2017 - International Growth Centre (IGC)

Политический обзор/документ
Briefing Note on FAO Actions on Fall Armyworm in Africa

Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), FAW, is an insect native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. Its larval stage (photo) feeds on more than 80 plant species, including maize, rice, sorghum, millet, sugarcane, vegetable crops and cotton. FAW can cause significant yield losses if not well managed. It can...
Benin - Burundi - Cabo Verde - Cameroon - Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Niger - Nigeria - Rwanda - Sao Tome and Principe - Togo - Uganda - Zimbabwe
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Рабочий документ
How should rural financial cooperatives be best organized?

Evidence from Ethiopia
What is the optimal size and composition of rural financial cooperatives (RFCs)? With this broad question in mind, we characterize alternative formations of RFCs and the implications of each in improving the access of rural households to financial services, including savings, credit, and insurance services. We find that some features...
2017 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Технический документ
Recognising the role and value of pastoralism and pastoralists

Pastoralism is a rational and viable economic land-use system able to generate significant returns in the dryland areas of Eastern Africa. Widespread misunderstanding about pastoralism has left it often under-protected, undervalued and an unintended victim of uninformed policies. However, this traditional livelihood system, which evolved as an adaptive strategy for...
Ethiopia - Kenya - United Republic of Tanzania
2017 - Coalition Of European Lobbies For Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP)

Политический обзор/документ
The economic impacts of cash transfer programmes in sub-Saharan Africa

Cash transfer programmes in sub-Saharan Africa impact the productive activities of both beneficiary and non-beneficiary households in the communities where they are implemented. These programmes have led to an increase in agricultural activities in beneficiary households, including greater use of agricultural inputs, more land area in crop production and higher...
Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Lesotho - Malawi - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Рабочий документ
Double dividend: Power and Agriculture nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa

Increasing access to modern electricity services in Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the main development challenges facing the world over the next two decades. The rural economies are overwhelmingly dependent on agriculture; in fact, agriculture and agribusiness comprise nearly half of Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP). These enterprises require electricity...
Ethiopia - Kenya - Mali - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2017 - World Bank

Рабочий документ
An assessment of the livestock economy in mixed crop-livestock production systems in Ethiopia

The livestock subsector has contributed little to the remarkable economic growth recorded in Ethiopia in the last decade. In an effort to stimulate livestock production, the Ethiopian government has recently recognized livestock as an important strategic subsector in which to invest. Unlike most studies that focus purely on aspects of...
2017 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Рабочий документ
How should rural financial cooperatives be best organized?

Evidence from Ethiopia
What is the optimal size and composition of Rural Financial Cooperatives (RFCs)? With this broad question in mind, we characterize alternative formation of RFCs and their implications in improving the access of rural households to financial services, including savings, credit, and insurance services. We find that some features of RFCs...
2017 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Water and fodder availability along livestock trade routes in the Horn of Africa

A baseline report
This report consolidates findings from previous activities by FAO and other stakeholders, and identifies in the four focus countries (Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti & Somalia): - the location and direction of the main livestock trade routes, - appropriate sites for rehabilitation & development of strategic livestock water sources, - good practices...
Djibouti - Ethiopia - Somalia - Sudan
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Promoting Alternatives to Migration for Ethiopian Rural Youth

Each year, rural areas lose a promising share of their workforce, as youth leave their homes and migrate to cities or move abroad in search of a better future. By addressing the links between distress migration and rural development, FAO is making a difference in Ethiopia.
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Технический документ
Five years of the AAF’s technical assistance facility

Enhancing the food security impact of agri-business investments in Africa
To amplify the development impact of the African Agriculture Fund, the International Fund for Agricultural Development actively promoted a Technical Assistance Facility to work alongside its investments. Blending development finance with technical assistance can be a powerful tool to achieve business growth and development outcomes. After five years of implementation,...
Burkina Faso - Cameroon - Ethiopia - Madagascar - Malawi - Nigeria - Sierra Leone - South Africa - Zambia
2017 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Total results:254