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Developing sustainable value chains in Morocco
Press Release
Agriculture contributes significantly to Morocco’s economy and employs 40 percent of the country’s workforce. But the sector continues to face major challenges and important steps need to be taken to make it more sustainable. Working with the private sector to pave the way is key. With this in mind, the...
2017 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM-IAMM)
Conheça dona Raimunda dos Cocos e sua luta pelos direitos das mulheres
Viva Maria continua em campanha pelo empoderamento das mulheres rurais, mulheres com direitos! Até o próximo dia 15 de agosto estão sendo coletados depoimentos de trabalhadoras do campo, das águas e da floresta. São mulheres como Dona Raimunda dos Cocos que dedicou sua vida à luta pelo babaçu livre.
Pra isso ela...
2017 - Radio Agencia Nacional
Another example of successful generational change, this time from Slovenia
Transmission of farms within the family - this is the main theme of the European project Farm Success, in which the Association of Private Agriculture in the Czech Republic is also involved . As part of our case studies, we have farms stories from several European countries and we think it...
Статья в блоге
Almonds and apricots flower on once-barren land
Family farmers in the West Bank are growing high value crops such as almonds and apricots on once-barren hillsides, seeing their incomes rise by 80 per cent or more. About 36,000 people have taken part in an IFAD-funded natural resource management programme, which prioritized terracing, fencing, irrigation, rock removal and...
Gaza Strip
2017 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
This short film is part of the short films that have been received in the framework of the short film contest organized by ALiSEA and the Luang Prabang Film festival about Youth & Agroecology. Saynam, aged 30, was born into a middle-class agricultural family which farms and raises livestock. She...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2017 - ALiSEA Mekong
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Científicos de Chile y Francia ahondarán más sobre las bondades de la quínoa
Proyecto financiado por Conicyt fue adjudicado a la Universidad Católica del Maule
A partir de junio y por un periodo inicial de seis meses, el Dr. Thierry Winkel, investigador francés experto en enfoques y metodologías de ciencias de sostenibilidad, se integró a la Universidad Católica del Maule (UCM) para apoyar la investigación Baquiana, “Bases sociales y ecológicas para la gestión participativa de...
2017 - Universidad Católica del Maule (UCM)
Статья в блоге
Transição agroecológica: uma mudança possível e produtiva
A Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) levantou indicadores ambientais e financeiros para quem pretende fazer a transição agroecológica. A pesquisa faz parte do projeto Transição Produtiva e Serviços Ambientais, que teve início em 2013, e é feita em conjunto com agricultores familiares e médios produtores dos quatro biomas brasileiros:...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)
EIP-AGRI Focus Group Agroforestry: introducing woody vegetation into specialised crop and livestock systems
This report presents the findings of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group (FG) on 'Agroforestry: Integrating woody crops into specialised crop and livestock systems'. Agroforestry, here defined as the practice of integrating woody vegetation with crops and/or livestock systems, is a historical approach to farming that is being re-discovered. Agroforestry practices have...
2017 - Eip Agri
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O maior beneficiário da nova lei de regularização fundiária é o agricultor familiar
O Governo Federal lançou o Programa Nacional de Regularização Fundiária para solucionar o caos fundiário histórico no país e, principalmente, na região Amazônica. Entre as novas ações, a Lei n°13.465/17 contempla o Terra Legal, transformando a execução do programa em uma política permanente. Tal direcionamento pretende fortalecer a agricultura familiar na Amazônia Legal, já que...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)
Тематическое исследование
Abundance. A cooperative project for agroecological family farming
The farmland structure of the Misiones province (Argentina), unlike many other regions in the country, gravitates around numerous small farmsteads –typically less than 30 ha, which are the home of 60,000 families dedicated to forestry, agriculture, livestock raising, fisheries and beekeeping. In this context, the ‘Abundance’ cooperative was established in...
2017 - Cooperativa Agropecuaria Biodinámica La
Газетная статья
Ecological Impacts of Fishing Gears in Thailand: Knowledge and Gaps
Around the world, knowledge about ecological impacts of fishing, especially in the smallscalesector, is generally poor, impeding thus the implementation of an ecosystem approach tofisheries (EAF). The same condition exists in Thailand where fisheries sustainability is a majorconcern. As a first step towards EAF, we conducted a comprehensive literature review...
2017 - Too Big to Ignore
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FAO concludes social protection and agriculture e-learning series
The FAO Regional Initiative on Small-Scale Family Farming has just concluded the first ever e-learning series on social protection and agriculture for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, aimed at continuing the sensitization and practical capacity development of governments in the region to effectively adopt social protection policies that...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Action Plan on Nutrition
Second Progress Report April 2016 – March 2017
The European Union (EU) is continuing to work strategically to achieve its commitments to help reduce the number of stunted children under the age of five by at least 7 million by 2025 and to allocate EUR 3.5 billion (2014–2020) to improve nutrition.
Preliminary results for 2016 indicate a three-fold increase...
2017 - European Commission
What Did You Learn?
2nd Prize winner of ALiSEA and Luang Prabang Film Festival short film contest about Youth & Agroecology. What did you learn about the testimony of an organic farmer in Laos and his message to the younger generation...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2017 - ALiSEA Mekong
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Mulher do campo, venha contar a sua história!
Daqui a 15 dias, a Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (Sead) vai lançar a campanha Mulheres Rurais, Mulheres com Direitos 2017.
Realizada entre março e outubro, a campanha vai valorizar a agricultora como protagonista do desenvolvimento sustentável no meio rural, mostrando a força e a importância da mulher do...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)
Статья в блоге
Social farming in Italy: an added value for peripheral rural areas
Social farming, or care farming as it is also called, defines short or long-term activities that use agricultural resources such as animals and plants to promote and generate social services in rural areas. Examples of these services include rehabilitation, therapy, sheltered employment, life-long education and other activities that contribute to...
2017 - SIMRA
Agroindustria y concentración de la propiedad de la tierra
El modelo de acumulación impulsado desde el Estado revitaliza la matriz primario exportadora, en la cual productos como el banano, cacao, flores o palma africana vienen a jugar un papel fundamental en la generación de empleo y de ingresos no petroleros para el país. Tal modelo vulnera nuestra soberanía y...
2017 - Observatorio del Cambio Rural (OCARU)
EIP-AGRI Focus Group Mixed farming systems: livestock/cash crops
The specialisation and intensification of European farming systems increased productivity but also led to serious consequences on the environment. These consequences include water pollution due to an excess of manure and slurries in certain areas and high reliance on external mineral and feed inputs, loss of biodiversity and lower resilience...
European Union
2017 - EIP-Agri- Agriculture&Innovation
Trabalhadora do Pará retrata em poesia luta das mulheres rurais
Lançado o Concurso Vozes, Imagens, Histórias e Experiências das Mulheres Rurais, é tempo de ouvirmos nossas Marias Quarqué.
Com vocês, Kennya Silva, a trabalhadora rural de Xinguara (Pará) que inspirou-se em sua própria história de vida para escrever um poema que tem tudo para ser agraciado por esse concurso que vai...
2017 - Radio Agencia Nacional
The Landworkers’ Alliance campaign 'More Farmers, Better Food'.
The Landworkers Alliance is a grassroots union of farmers, growers and land-based workers from across the whole of the U.K. They are a member led organisation campaigning for the rights of small-scale producers and a better food system for everyone.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2017 - Landworkers Alliance
Total results:20974