




Газетная статья
Caught in a Net

Small-scale fishing communities in South Africa have to cope with unequal power relations as they seek effective means for the implementation of the SSF Guidelines
South Africa
2016 - The International Collective in Support of Fish workers (ICSF)

Social relations and dynamics shaping the implementation of the voluntary guidelines on small-scale fisheries (SSF guidelines) in South Africa

Integral to achieving the SSF Guidelines goal of targeting the most vulnerable and marginalized persons and eliminating discrimination is the need to have adequate understanding of the power relations and intersectionalities that shape access to and control over marine and other resources according to gender, age, race, ethnicity, labour and...
South Africa

Transforming smallholder farms into profitable businesses

Building an enterprise takes many different tasks, from stepping into the shoes of potential customers to designing products or services, to running a marketing campaign. This was one of the key messages for women farmers at SACAU’s Agro-preneurship training in Johannesburg this month. The three-day training from 27th – 29th September...
Botswana - Lesotho - Madagascar - Malawi - Mozambique - Namibia - Seychelles - South Africa - Zimbabwe
2016 - Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU)

2015–2016 El Niño

Early action and response for agriculture, food security and nutrition
El Niño is the warming of sea surface temperature in the tropical Pacific, which occurs roughly every 2 to 7 years, lasting from 6 to 24 months. While the main threat to food production is reduced rainfall and drought in some regions, El Niño can also cause heavy rains and...
El Salvador - Ethiopia - Haiti - Honduras - Indonesia - Lesotho - Malawi - Mongolia - Mozambique - Nicaragua - Papua New Guinea - Philippines - Somalia - South Africa - Timor-Leste - Zimbabwe
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

South Africa implements a national strategy to support community seed banks

Farmers have traditionally maintained local seeds, and through them biodiversity, using indigenous knowledge passed through generations. Farmers select, plant, harvest, clean, and store seeds to feed their families today and in the future. They also exchange and share seeds with their neighbors, friends, and relatives. However, these traditional practices are...
South Africa
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Transitioning out of GM maize

Towards nutrition security, climate adaptation, agro-ecology and social justice
Coinciding with World Food Day, the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), in a new report titled “Transitioning out of GM maize: towards nutrition security, climate adaptation, agro-ecology and social justice” makes a compelling case for South Africa to urgently transition out of GM maize production, to systems that are socially...
South Africa
2016 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Potentially Important Food Plants of South Africa

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
South Africa
2016 - Food Plant Solutions

Land Reform Programme

This chapter discusses land issues in southern Africa in general, and in Zimbabwe in particular. At independence most African states with settler white farmers inherited a skewed land distribution in favour of the white commercial farmers. Countries like Namibia and South Africa, among others, embarked on some land redistribution programmes...
Namibia - South Africa - Zimbabwe
2015 - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)

Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands

Building resilience and benefiting livelihoods
The aim of the guidelines is to enhance restoration efforts in the world’s drylands. They provide specific guidance for policymakers and other decision-makers, and for practitioners. Well-informed policymakers and other higher-order decision-makers can be enablers in the design and implementation of effective restoration efforts by providing appropriate policies, governance mechanisms...
Australia - Burkina Faso - China - Egypt - Ethiopia - India - Lebanon - Mauritania - Nepal - Niger - Peru - Senegal - South Africa - Spain - Syrian Arab Republic - Türkiye - United Republic of Tanzania - Uzbekistan
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Growing a sense of place and community in Cape Town

The Harvest of Hope initiative is a vegetable box scheme in Cape Town, South Africa, set up as a social enterprise by a local ‘social profit organisation’. By promoting ecological urban farming, Abalimi Bezekhaya (meaning ‘Farmers of Home’ in Xhosa) improves income and household food security, and empowers disadvantaged households...
South Africa
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Analysis of smallholders’ farm diversity and risk attitudes in the Stellenbosch local municipal area

The objective of this study was to consider whether smallholders operate within homogenous or differentiated farming systems i.e. a similar “‘one type”’ system or a system that could be described as a smallholder typology consisting of a number of farming types. The enquiry firstly described and analysed farm diversity and...
South Africa
2015 - Stellenbosch University

G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting

G20 Members (Turkey, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Indıa, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the EU) represent 85% of the world’s economy, 70% of the global agricultural economy and the two thirds of...
Argentina - Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - France - Germany - India - Indonesia - Italy - Japan - Mexico - Republic of Korea - Russian Federation - Saudi Arabia - South Africa - Türkiye - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - United States of America


Biowatch is among the organisations and international social movements that see agroecology as a means to realise the goal of food sovereignty. In 2007 civil society and social movement organisations representing millions of farmers met in Nyéléni in Mali to launch an international movement for food sovereignty. This movement views...
South Africa
2015 - Biowatch South Africa

AGROECOLOGY - Environmental, social and economic justice

Biowatch advocates for agroecology as a proven, multi-faceted approach to creating a sustainable, diverse, just food system that applies ecological principles and methods to farming, while addressing wider environmental, economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions in order to transform the industrialised food system.
South Africa
2015 - Biowatch South Africa

Africa’s smallholders adapting to climate change

The need for national governments and international climate finance to support women producers
Climate change is undermining the ability of African nations to feed themselves. Women smallholder producers are on the front line of dealing with the impacts, but are not first in line for international climate finance. Wealthy countries have committed to helping countries in Africa to adapt to climate change, but...
Ethiopia - Ghana - Malawi - Mozambique - Nigeria - South Africa - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2015 - Oxfam International

Gender and rural development brief

East and Southern Africa
The countries of East and Southern Africa have made major commitments to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment, and they are starting to pay off. A number of countries have achieved substantial progress towards gender parity in primary school enrolment. Nearly all countries have adopted quota systems requiring women’s participation...
Angola - Botswana - Burundi - Comoros - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Kenya - Lesotho - Madagascar - Malawi - Mauritius - Mozambique - Namibia - Rwanda - Seychelles - South Africa - South Sudan - Eswatini - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Sustainable Soil Management: Key to food security and nutrition in Africa

This edition of Nature & Faune journal will be a special Issue to mark the International Year of Soils. It is planned to be issued during the Conference of the African Soil Society taking place in Ouagadougou - Burkina Faso from 2nd to 10th December 2015. The special edition of...
Burkina Faso - Cabo Verde - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Gambia - Ghana - Mozambique - Niger - Nigeria - South Africa - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The 2015-2016 El Niño event

Expected impact on food security and main response scenarios in East and Southern Africa
El Niño is a periodic climate phenomenon defined by anomalously warm sea surface temperatures in the eastern and central tropical Pacific Ocean which affect local weather worldwide and generally leads to increased drought risk at global level. In 2015, since July a strong El Niño is being observed with increasing...
Angola - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Kenya - Malawi - Namibia - Somalia - South Africa - South Sudan - Zimbabwe
2015 - European Commission

Strategies for Addressing Smallholder Agriculture and Facilitating Structural Transformation

This report aims to identify the main constraints that limit smallholders in emerging countries from accessing markets. It does this first through a literature review of economic development theory and findings from past empirical studies. It then looks at different policy instruments currently used in five countries: Brazil, Chile, Indonesia,...
Brazil - China - Indonesia - Mexico - South Africa
2015 - OECD

Газетная статья
Adapting to the impacts of drought by smallholder farmers in Sekhukhune District in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Smallholder farmers have been affected by drought impacts for several years. Sekhukhune district is characterized by poor and unreliable rainfall, frequent droughts and periodic flooding most of the time. Due to low and unreliable rainfall the smallholder farmers in the Sekhukhune district are finding it difficult to obtain high crop...
South Africa
Total results:126
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