




Farmer2Market puts technology in hands of South African farmers

The European Union, in partnership with the Department of Environmental Affairs, together with Solidaridad, LIMA Development Foundation and ICCO are proud to announce the launch of the SWITCH Africa Green, Farmer2Market programme. At the centre of the SWITCH Africa Green, Farmer2Market programme is the ambition to unlock access to market...
South Africa
2018 - Solidaridad

Against the odds, smallholder farmers maintain agricultural biodiversity in South Africa

This report is a result of research conducted in partnership with Tshintsha Amakhaya, Farmer Support Group, TCOE Zingisa and Surplus People Project. The report investigates the state of farmer-managed seed systems in rural South Africa. Through 3 case studies in Eastern Cape, Northern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, the report highlights both...
South Africa
2017 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Ending poverty and hunger by investment in agriculture and rural areas

While there has been an unprecedented achievement in poverty reduction in the last three decades, eradicating extreme poverty and halving poverty by 2030 are still two of our greatest challenges. Today, about 767 million people continue to live in extreme poverty. Roughly, two thirds of the extreme poor live in...
Bangladesh - Chad - Ghana - Guatemala - Malawi - Mali - South Africa - Tajikistan - United Republic of Tanzania - Viet Nam
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Transboundary threats to food and nutrition security in Southern Africa. Issue 1. April- June 2017

The Bulletin highlights outbreaks of transboundary pests and diseases that have the potential to impact food and nutrition security in Southern Africa. It also captures recently concluded and upcoming events that are being organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and stakeholders to improve the capacities...
Angola - Botswana - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Malawi - Mauritius - Mozambique - Namibia - Seychelles - South Africa - Eswatini - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Examining livelihoods and reconsidering rural development in the former homelands of South Africa

Persistent poverty and under-development in South Africa’s former homeland communal areas have been little changed by post-apartheid ‘rural development’ policy. Rural development policy has often been characterised by impulses towards topdown planning, a default assumption that agriculture ought to drive rural development, a reliance on resource-intensive income generation projects, and...
South Africa
2017 - Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)

Balancing the books for South Africa’s small-scale fisheries

Resources, rights and social and economic returns
This presentation will provide the policy background, then look at the current status of main South African stocks, followed by a discussion on the economic returns from small-scale fishing and what can and cannot be expected from implementation of the policy; concluding with recommendations on the way forward.
South Africa
2017 - Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)

Five years of the AAF’s technical assistance facility

Enhancing the food security impact of agri-business investments in Africa
To amplify the development impact of the African Agriculture Fund, the International Fund for Agricultural Development actively promoted a Technical Assistance Facility to work alongside its investments. Blending development finance with technical assistance can be a powerful tool to achieve business growth and development outcomes. After five years of implementation,...
Burkina Faso - Cameroon - Ethiopia - Madagascar - Malawi - Nigeria - Sierra Leone - South Africa - Zambia
2017 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Fall army worm outbreak, a blow to prospects of recovery for southern Africa

New pest poses novel threat to region reeling from effects of consecutive droughts
A fall armyworm outbreak, the first emergence of the pest in southern Africa, is causing considerable crop damage in some countries. If the pest damage aggravates, it could dampen prospects for good crop harvests that is anticipated in the current farming season. Maize, a staple food in the region has...
Malawi - Mozambique - Namibia - South Africa - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Rural development and livelihoods in South Africa

This documentary examines rural livelihoods in South Africa. Drawing on the narratives of several interviewees, it explains how impoverished people in South Africa's rural, former homeland communal areas survive and sustain themselves. The film suggests both the importance of between rural areas and urban centres, and the multiple activities on...
South Africa
2017 - Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)

3rd International Conference on Global Food Security: Global Challenges, Local Solutions and Connected Pathways

Malnutrition, including over- and under-nutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies, is the top contributor to the global disease burden. Globally, 800 million people are under-nourished, 2 billion are overweight or obese and 2 billion are micronutrient deficient. The vast majority of the world’s hungry live in developing countries. Southern Asia faces the greatest...
South Africa

Taking stock of agribusiness chambers in Africa

Lessons learnt, success factors and good practices
Inclusive agribusiness umbrella organisations (which ideally are vertically integrated down to the level of smallholder farmers’ organisations) could be key institutions to contribute to policy dialogue and design from the perspective of the private sector. Furthermore, they have the potential to carry forward the implementation of such policies on the...
Cameroon - Ethiopia - Ghana - Senegal - South Africa
2016 - New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)

WFP Regional El Niño Situation Report

El Niño conditions have caused the lowest recorded rainfall between October and December across many regions of Southern Africa in at least 35 years. Short-term forecasts from January to March indicate the high probability of continuing below-normal rainfall in the south, signaling that this could become one of the worst...
Angola - Botswana - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Lesotho - Malawi - Mozambique - Namibia - South Africa - Eswatini - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2016 - World Food Programme (WFP)

Integration of small-scale farmers into formal seed production in South Africa

A Scoping report
This scoping report looks at key policies, legislation and programmes in South Africa with an emphasis on seed laws and considers the implications for small- scale farmer involvement in this sector and outlines a few projects on community seed production, indigenous crops and black-owned private sector seed production efforts.
South Africa
2016 - African Centre for Biodiversity

An Introduction to Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS)

This short video explains the basis of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). It was designed as a trailer and short version of the documentary: A guide to Participatory Guarantee Systems for Organic Agricultureavailable to watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbwiC...The video was produced by IFOAM – Organics International with the financial support of the Technical...
Brazil - Fiji - France - South Africa
2016 - IFOAM - Organics International

Family Farming

USA/ Statistically, the family farm makes up ninety-eight percent of all American farms, while farmers in general comprise 2% of the work force in the United States. 40% of the crop market is accounted for by 2.5% of nation's total farms, while family farmers produce approximately twenty-seven percent of the...
South Africa

SADC consultative meeting on preparedness and response to the impact of El Niño on Agriculture, Food and Nutrition security in Southern Africa

The SADC Consultative Meeting on Preparedness and Response to the Impact of the 2015/16 El Niño on Agriculture and Food and Nutrition Security in Southern Africa was held from 25th to 26th February 2016 in Johannesburg, South Africa, with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations...
Angola - Botswana - Lesotho - Madagascar - Malawi - Mauritius - Mozambique - Namibia - Seychelles - South Africa - Eswatini - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2016 - Southern African Development Community (SADC)

Launch of Regional Research on Land Tenure and Contract Farming

Against a background of resurgent land grabs, penetration of capital in the rural landscape and the expulsion of small producers from their pieces of land in most African countries, the Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies (SMAIAS) working in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Land and Agrarian Network (ZiLAN) announces...
Mozambique - South Africa - Zimbabwe
2016 - Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies

Protocol to detect and monitor pollinator communities: Guidance for practitioners

This publication provides guidance on using a common methodology for monitoring pollinator diversity and abundance, as part of the GEF supported Project “Conservation and Management of Pollinators for Sustainable Agriculture, through an Ecosystem Approach” implemented in seven countries - Brazil, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan and South Africa. The project...
Brazil - Ghana - India - Kenya - Nepal - Pakistan - South Africa
2016 - FAO

Scaling up agroecology for food security, empowerment and resilience

This policy brief discusses ways to scale up agroecological approaches and suggests actionable advice tailored for various stakeholders, including policy-makers, private sector, financial partners, research and development community and civil society. The brief focuses on how to design scaling up initiatives and provides success as well as failure stories.
Ethiopia - India - South Africa - United Republic of Tanzania
2016 - Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI)

Sharing diversity: establishing and supporting community seedbanks in South Africa (pilot phase 2013-2015)

A promising start has been made: the two new community seedbanks of Gumbu and Sterkspruit and complementary technical support provided by the government will allow farmers to improve seed conservation technologies, increase access to crop diversity, apply crop improvement practices and explore seed production and marketing opportunities. The Gumbu community...
South Africa
2016 - Bioversity International
Total results:126
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