




Instalaciones Porcinas para Productores Familiares

Manual de Tecnologías Apropiadas
El esfuerzo colectivo hacia un objetivo reconocido y estudiado con la participación del conjunto de actores interesados en encontrar respuestas a problemáticas diversas da como resultado valiosos aportes e incluso proyectos con valor innovador. La publicación del presente manual afirma lo expuesto, la intervención de la Universidad, sus estudiantes y...
2013 - Cátedra Taller de Diseño Industrial de II a V “A”, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

La FAO Burundi avance dans l'approche Farmers Field School et Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools

Vidéo produite par la RTNB sur les thématiques de genre, VIH et nutrition au Burundi à travers l'approche Farmers Field School et Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools promue au Burundi par la FAO.
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Georgia National Animal Health Program 2013-18

A clear and lasting improvement in animal health and welfare is envisaged over the next five years in the National Animal Health Program for Georgia. Clear objectives, up-to-date goals and priorities are accompanied by a plan of short term projects and activities. Georgia is an agricultural country with livestock production...

Boletín de agricultura familiar para América Latina y el Caribe, Octubre-Diciembre 2013

Un elemento central para impulsar la producción pecuaria familiar en muchas zonas rurales y completar un círculo virtuoso es el fomento de las compras públicas de alimentos de origen animal (leche, carne, huevos) a los productores familiares y su vinculación a los programas de alimentación escolar y de educación nutricional....
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - El Salvador - Peru - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2013 - Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe (FAO/RLC)

Enhancing the dairy processing skills and market access of rural women in Jordan

This report presents the findings of the socioeconomic, dairy processing and marketing conditions of women in four communities in the Karak Governorate of Jordan. It is part of a project targeting rural women that develops and pilot tests technological and institutional options for improving the small-scale processing and marketing of...
2013 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Programa de agricultura familiar para el encadenamiento productivo (PAF CP) del plan de agricultura de El Salvador

Informe del IICA: sembrando innovación se cosecha prosperidad
Con el fin de aprovechar su experiencia en el hemisferio occidental, el Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) confió al Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) la co-ejecución técnica del Programa Cadenas Productivas (PAF CP) durante los primeros dos años de implementación. Esto le significó al Instituto asumir...
El Salvador
2013 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

Farmers’ Africa: Complementary actions for the benefit of African producers

Farmers’ Africa is a capacity-building programme that aims to improve the livelihoods and food security of rural producers in Africa. It works with farmers’ organizations (FOs) to help them evolve into more stable, performing and accountable organizations that effectively represent their members and advise them on farming enterprises. The programme...
2013 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Agricultural hand tools in emergencies

Guidelines for technical and field officers
The publication forms part of FAO’s effort to assist its member countries, FAO emergency staff and humanitarian partners to improve emergency preparedness and response effectiveness. The aim of Part I of these Guidelines is to enable Field Officers to clearly identify and describe the agricultural hand tools required for the...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Where GIAHS takes place

In this edition, we will take a deeper look on various project interventions to revitalize local communities, stories from the field, hopes and aspirations of local peoples (Philippines, Noto peninsula in Japan, the win-win model of the Chinese) as well as activities leading to social learning process, knowledge transmission and...

Pasaporte para integrar el género en los programas de agua

Preguntas clave para las intervenciones en el sector agrícola
Garantizar el agua es fundamental para alcanzar la seguridad alimentaria y mejorar los medios de vida rurales en la mayor parte del mundo, especialmente en las zonas áridas o semiáridas. A pesar de que las mujeres desempeñan una función clave en la seguridad alimentaria debido a sus conocimientos sobre la...
2013 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Water and Agriculture in Egypt

This document presents an overview of the water and agriculture situation in Egypt. It is a compilation of four background papers on farm-level water-management opportunities and challenges in the old lands, new lands, and reclaimed/salt-affected  lands of Egypt. In addition it considers the technical, institutional, and policy aspects of the...
2013 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Dinámicas de comercialización para la agricultura familiar campesina

Desafíos y alternativas en el escenario ecuatoriano
Desde el proyecto “Mercados Campesinos” y de las entidades que lo han venido implementando, con esta publicación se quiere contribuir al debate agrario y al debate sobre modelos de comercialización para la agricultura familiar. En los 3 últimos años, éste proyecto ha entregado una serie de estudios en torno a...
2013 - Sistema de Investigación sobre la Problemática Agraria en el Ecuador (SIPAE)

EU gradually turning green in food security debate.

With the world’s population expected to rise to nine billion by 2050, European regulators are pushing for a gradually greener approach to food sustainability, warning that demand for food could cause a number of related crises, such as runaway carbon emissions, waste and obesity.
2013 - EurActiv

Effective Public Policies and Active Citizenship

Brazil´s experience of building a Food and Nutrition Security System
Brazil has achieved promising results in the fight against hunger and poverty. This paper describes the path toward building a new governance framework for the provision of public policies that initiated a virtuous cycle for the progressive elimination of hunger and poverty. However, it is important to emphasize that the...

European Handbook on Community Supported Agriculture

Sharing experiences
This publication is an outcome of the multinational partnership “Community Supported Agriculture for Europe” that has been formed in order to spread and strengthen the idea of community supported agriculture (CSA) all over Europe and build connections between countries where CSA is a tried and tested method of .providing food...
European Union
2013 - URGENCI

AMAP Bénin

Avec "AMAP Bénin", le jeune étudiant français Quentin Testa nous invite sur son lieu de stage, à la découverte de la première AMAP béninoise, qui compte aujourd'hui près de 300 adhérents, (environ 1000 consommateurs). De la production à la vente directe, en passant par l'Institut de recherche agricole du Bénin, le...
2013 - Hortitechs Développement

Nature & Faune: African Youth in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development

This Issue of Nature & Faune puts forward the case of “African Youth in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development”. It carries twenty one articles contributed by different individuals, from: policy arena, conservation NGOs; the private sector; civil society groups; research and academia as well as youth groups. The United...
Gabon - Liberia - Mali - Nigeria - Somalia
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Report of the Seventh Meeting of the RECOFI Working Group on Fisheries Management, Kuwait City, the State of Kuwait, 5–7 November 2013.

This document contains the report of the Seventh Meeting of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) Working Group on Fisheries Management (WGFM), which was held in Kuwait City, the State of Kuwait, from 5 to 7 November 2013. The WGFM addressed and made decisions on matters concerning relevant follow-up to...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Bancos comunitarios de semillas criollas

Una opción para la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad
El conocimiento tradicional indígena es una fuente de información que debe ser protegida por ser parte y producto de la cultura y espiritualidad con la que el indígena se identifica en su entorno. Esta forma que tienen de percibir el ambiente que les rodea se demuestra en el cuidado que...
2013 - Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE)

Газетная статья
Challenges and prospects of smallholder oil palm production in Awka Agricultural Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria

The study examined the challenges and prospects of smallholder oil palm production in Awka Agricultural Zone of Anambra State. Seventy two smallholder oil palm farmers were interviewed for the purpose of eliciting information. Smallholder oil palm farmers in Awka Agricultural Zone were educated (79.2% - Senior Secondary School Certificate and...
2013 - University of Nigeria
Total results:19967