Family farmers for sustainable food systems
A synthesis of reports by African farmers' regional networks on models of food production, consumption and markets
Family farming is the basis for modern food provision in Africa, today and tomorrow. Its multifunctionality and sustainable productive potential is supported by extensive research evidence. Family farming and small-scale food production generates food and well-being for the majority of the population and the wealth of the region, and conserves...
Cameroon - Kenya - Mali
2013 - EuropAfrica Consortium
Relevamiento y sistematización de problemas de tierra de los agricultores familiares en la Argentina
Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar, relevar y sistematizar problemas vinculados al acceso, tenencia (garantía de la tenencia actual y regularización dominial) y distribución de la tierra, así como los conflictos que ellos generan. La finalidad perseguida es ofrecer información necesaria a técnicos y decisores políticos para establecer líneas de...
2013 - Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación - PROINDER, Proyecto de Desarrollo de Pequeños Productores Agropecuarios.
Women in family farming at the semiarid of Northern Minas Gerais
Social division of labor and gender in jaíba project
This work deals with the situation of women’s life and work in family farming in the North of Minas Gerais semiarid, focusing on the work social division and gender in the Jaíba Project. In this context the Step I was chosen inthis project in the area A: NS1 and NS2...
2013 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Газетная статья
La agroecología como un enfoque transdisciplinar, participativo y orientado a la acciónn
Este artículo examina las múltiples direcciones en la evolución de la agroecología, desde su temprano énfasis en los procesos ecológicos de los sistemas agrícolas, hasta su desarrollo como planteamiento multidimensional amplio, y orientado hacia los sistemas agroalimentarios. La publicación de esta edición especial es muy oportuna, pues la agroecología se...
2013 - Agroecology and Rural Livelihoods Group (ARLG)
The qualification and the professional identity formation of the family farmers at Januária Region - Minas Gerais
This study thesis proposes a discussion on the connections between the professional qualification courses, gestated by government programs PLANFOR and PNQ, and the formation of professional identity of the farmers in the region Januária - MG. These programs, gestated in the early 1990s, in a context of profound changes in...
2013 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
River of milk: Afghan dairy farmers prosper
The dairy sector in Afghanistan is thriving. Thousands of small farmers are benefiting from an FAO project funded by Italy that is improving the collection, processing and marketing of their milk. Women control almost 90 % of the profits. Milk producers are organized into cooperatives. Demand for milk products is...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Instrumentos de Gestión para el desarrollo económico local en la promoción alpaquera
Proyecto: Organización de un sistema local de innovación y extensión agraria para el desarrollo sostenible de la actividad alpaquera, en la macro región Apurímac-Ayacucho
Soluciones Prácticas y REMURPE a través de la implementación del Proyecto PAQOCHA presenta este documento “Instrumentos de Gestión para el Desarrollo Económico Local en la Promoción Alpaquera”; que parte de la necesidad estratégica de las autoridades y funcionarios de los gobiernos regionales y de las municipalidades provinciales y distritales, quienes...
2013 - Red de Municipalidades Urbanas y Rurales del Perú (REMURPE)
Unlocked credit lines allow poor Tanzanian farmers to invest in vineyard
In Dodoma, Tanzania, a group of poor smallholder farmers is planting grapes and setting up a vineyard in a bid to pull themselves out of poverty. It's a project they hope will ensure they and their families have an income for the next 30 years. To get started, they needed...
United Republic of Tanzania
2013 - World Food Programme (WFP)
Apple-Producing Family Farms in South Tyrol
In Northern Italy, the autonomous province of South Tyrol has the biggest single area producing apple trees in Europe. The 19 000 ha of apple production area in South Tyrol supplies up to 50% of the national Italian apple market, 15% of the European and 2% of the global apple...
The inclusion of small producers in national innovation systems in Peru and Colombia
A comparative analysis of the coffee and dairy sectors
The report specifically analyses the NIS in Peru and Colombia in the coffee and dairy sectors due to their economic importance for both countries and the large percentage of small producers in these sectors. In order to analyse the NIS, we have utilised an innovations systems approach to form the...
Colombia - Peru
2013 - The London School of Economics and Political Science
The policy context: innovation & rural development policy
The importance of innovation in agriculture and rural development has been recognised by the European Union over successive reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), but there is widespread agreement that agricultural knowledge and innovation systems need to be reinvigorated. The innovation priority in rural development programmes (RDPs) for 2014-2020...
Tenure of indigenous peoples territories and REDD+ as a forestry management incentive
The case of Mesoamerican countries
Programmes to reduce emissions from deforestation and ecosystem degradation, such as REDD+ and other forestry incentive programmes, including Payment for Environmental Services (PES), could represent an opportunity to strengthen processes of conservation, sustainable usage and poverty reduction in the Mesoamerican region, particularly in indigenous territories and communities. Analysing the context...
Sistemas agroecológicos ecológicamente eficientes
Video presentación del 8 de setiembre del 2013 en el Curso Internacional Agroecología, Resiliencia y Seguridad Alimentaria. Evento previo al IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología SOCLA 2013.
2013 - LEISA agroecología
Governance of agriculture and rural development in Egypt
Agriculture is a major economic issue in Egypt, although its contribution to the GDP is gradually diminishing. It is evident that rural and agriculture growth is the key element towards reducing poverty, achieving food security and increasing demands for labor. Egypt is facing great challenges regarding its economy in general,...
Modelo productivo del cultivo del ají topito (Capsicum spp.) para la región Caribe
El ají topito (Capslcum chlnense) es una de las solanáceas que se cultiva tradicionalmente en los departamentos de Atlántico, Bolívar, Guajira, Córdoba, Sucre, Cesar y Magdalena. El presente modelo productivo se ha desarrollado con miras a plantear la tecnología en este cultivo con aspectos claves para su buen desarrollo; así...
2013 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)
Indigenous methods of food preparation: what is their impact on food security and nutrition?
This online discussion on indigenous methods of food preparation held an interesting previous discussion on how indigenous knowledge systems can be used to improve agricultural productivity and food security among rural poor communities. However, we did not touch on how communities use this knowledge that is passed from generation to...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Agricultural productivity, climate change and the entrepreneurship of smallholder farmers
Case of the Central and Western Regions of Liberia
Liberia was making frantic efforts towards achieving food security through improvements in smallholder farmers’ productivity. However, the 1989-2003 civil conflict destroyed the economic life of the country, and reversed the positive trend towards food security. This situation undermined the growth of smallholder farmers’ entrepreneurship. Hence, this research assesses the extent...
2013 - Trust Africa
Innovaciones y desarrollo: el caso de las papas nativas
El proyecto «Innovación y Competitividad de la Papa (INCOPA)» del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) —que se creó con recursos financieros de la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación (COSUDE) y en alianza con una serie de socios públicos y privados— intervino en este sector, e instauró...
Газетная статья
Management practices and challenges in smallholder indigenous chicken production in Western Kenya
The potential benefit of indigenous chicken (Gallus domesticus) production is still under exploited in Kenya despite the efforts by different stakeholders to mainstream this production system as a pathway to rural development. The production system is often characterized by low input-low output productivity and low commercialization of the enterprise. This...
Situación y perspectiva de la agricultura familiar
Nota de Agroenlace sobre el informe “Perspectivas de la agricultura y el desarrollo rural en las Américas 2014”, elaborado por el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el...
2013 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
Total results:20152