مرحبا بكم في قائمة خبراء المدارس الحقلية للمزارعين
لقد وضعت القائمة من أجل جمع المعلومات وتحديثها على المستويات العالمية والإقليمية والقطرية، لتشمل الخبرة في نهج المدارس الحقلية للمزارعين. وتشمل القائمة أنواعا مختلفة من خبراء المدارس الحقلية للمزارعين: كبار المدربين، ومنسقو المشاريع، والقائمون على صياغة المشاريع وعلى تقييمها.
Welcome to the FFS Roster of Experts
What is the Farmer Field Schools (FFS) Roster of Experts?
The roster has been set up to gather and update information at a global, regional and country level, to encompass expertise in the Farmer Field Schools approach. The roster includes different types of FFS experts: master trainers, project coordinators, project formulators and evaluators.
The roster includes information on thirty-three different technical areas of FFS expertise, which reflect the technical areas used to map resources uploaded on the Knowledge Repository.
The roster aims to cover all sub-regions: Near East and North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South-East Asia, Pacific Islands, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
This Roster will provide you with the possibility to look for experts that speak a wide range of different languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Portuguese, but also Swahili, Wolof, Greek, Vietnamese and many more).
The Roster is dynamic, as experts can add new languages and technical areas of FFS expertise that are not yet available.
Each person that registers in the roster makes a self-assessment of his or her own skills. It is possible to add (a) reference(s) as well. Therefore, each expert is responsible for truthfulness and accuracy of the profile information provided.
What can the Roster assist you with?
- Are you a regional coordinator who wants to know more about field school experts existing in your region?
- Are you a project coordinator/formulator looking for experts in a specific location or with a combination of FFS technical expertise?
- Are you a master trainer or a facilitator looking for professionals that can provide a training or workshop in a specific area?
- Are a technical specialist or policy maker wanting to involve national or regional field school experts in a training, workshop or formulation exercise?
- Are you a farmer or farmer organization interested in organizing a Farmer Field School, and looking for specific local expertise?
- Are you interested in the FFS approach and want to know more about the different possible technical categories in which professionals have expertise?
If you answer yes to one or more questions above, this Roster of Experts will provide you with comprehensive and pertinent support in finding what you need.
How can you use it?
As a member of the FFS Platform, the user can access all the information provided by the experts.
If you are not yet a member of the Platform, you can use the roster search box and visualize the experts’ list. However, you will not be able to check some information, such as the contact data of the experts (e-mail and telephone), their reference person and their curriculum vitae.
Please login in order to access all the available information on registered FFS experts. If you are not a member, please register here and gain full access to the Roster.
Thank you and we look forward to you joining and using the FFS Expert Roster!
FAO does not directly verify the quality of experts on the roster. The information displayed reflects the experts’ self-declared skills and experience