FAO has published a new Blue Growth blog post online, entitled Strengthening integrated aquatic plant and animal farming in the rice fields of Lao PDR.
The innovative “Blue Growth” field work done in Lao PDR was supported within context of...

05 June 2017
24 April 2017, Vientiane - The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Laos has delivered an award to several projects and development partners, including FAO, in support of clean agriculture. The award comes as a result of a FAO project...

03 June 2016
Under the IFAD-FAO capacity development initiative, TCIB, FAO-RAP and FAO-Laos have successfully collaborated to provide capacity development for establishing Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in the IFAD-funded “Community –Based Food Security and Economics Opportunities” project (SSSJ), implemented by the Ministry of...