Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC)

An integrated approach to sustainable intensification of agriculture through efficient use of resources - Strategic support to Country Programming Framework in Burundi and Niger


To mainstream resource use efficiency into national policies and processes, in line with documented country programming needs as well as in harmony with expressed targets of selected Initiatives of the Organization for the Africa Region.

Status of the project

Major results
  • Developed farmer recommendations, promotion tools and communication materials on rice-fish culture targeting new entrants to aquaculture, which were appropriate for inclusion into local-level action plans aimed at improving the nutrition security of poor communities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
  • Improved adoption of Rice Fish practices and increased capacity of extension agents for technical know-how to support farmers in adopting innovative practices of rice fish farming under various ongoing projects in Myanmar, and tested widescale promotion of integrated rice fish culture with 100 families in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, including communication materials, extension staff guidelines and arrangements for the use of social media and internet-based knowledge sharing platforms.
  • Strengthened local community capacities to intensify and diversify production systems and manage resources, including time, developed and promoted initiatives to reduce the impact of environmental degradation leading to food insecurity and improve livelihoods of people with limited land access and to improve nutrition of school children in Burundi.

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