Этот веб-сайт содержит информацию о причинах продовольственных потерь и порчи пищевой продукции в производственно-сбытовых цепей рыбного хозяйства и предлагает устойчивые решения для их сокращения и предотвращения.
A lot of work has been undertaken to assess and address food loss and waste (FLW) in fish value chains. This website provides a platform to access this information, and provides information on the causes of and solutions to FLW at key value chain stages. The goal is to make it easier to find information that will help develop sustainable solutions to FLW in fisheries and aquaculture value chains.
World fishery and aquaculture supply has experienced tremendous growth and is estimated to reach over 200 million tonnes by 2030. Since 2013, aquaculture has become the main source of the fish available for human consumption. Globally, fish accounts for about 17 percent of animal protein intake, and apparent per capita fish consumption is currently over 20 kg. A large share of fish production is exported, and fish and fish products are among the most widely traded food commodities in the world. About 200 million people are employed in fisheries and aquaculture worldwide, in the primary and secondary sectors, with the majority of these in developing countries, including a large number of women employed mostly in processing activities.
With a world population expected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050, a sustainable fisheries and aquaculture sector will play a key role in ensuring food security as the increased demand will challenge fish production over coming decades. Food loss and waste occurs in most, if not all, supply chains. Reducing this loss and waste is becoming increasingly more important as demand for fish as food increases.
Support for a Web Based FLW Resource for Fish Value Chains
At the 32nd Session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) in July 2016, focus was placed on the importance of reducing FLW, and in particular, reduction in the post-harvest value chain. The Committee supported the development of a FAO technical guideline addressing the causes of, and remedies to FLW. The Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries agreed to support the process financially, and collaborate with FAO in the development of a web-based resource that brings together important information on FLW in fisheries and aquaculture value chains.