Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная статистика


ФАО разрабатывает методологические руководства и справочники, технические документы и информационно-разъяснительные материалы в сфере продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной статистики. ФАО координирует проведение на регулярной основе международных и региональных совещаний для обсуждения хода разработки продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной статистики.

Workshop on Agricultural Capital Stock and related Structural Statistics

13 November 2015, Rome, Italy The purpose of the workshop is to present and conduct an in-depth peer review of FAO’s new global analytical database...

FAO Statistical Pocketbook 2015

This publication is part of the FAO Statistical Yearbook suite of products. The first part of the book includes thematic spreads with data visualizations (graphs,...

FAO Statistical Coffee Pocketbook 2015

This publication presents country profiles with key indicators related to coffee for selected years.

Decent work indicators for agriculture and rural areas: Conceptual issues, data collection challenges and possible areas for improvement. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series / 15-10

This paper aims to achieve three main objectives. First, to assess the relevance of concepts and indicators of Decent Work (DW) for rural areas and...

Southern Africa regional demonstration workshop on Food Security analysis using Household Surveys and the Experience-based Scales

28 September - 2 October 2015, Johannesburg, South Africa The aim of this workshop is to reinforce the capacity of countries of the...

FAO-OEA/CIE-IICA working group on agricultural and livestock statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean. 27th session.

2 - 4 September 2015, Panama City, Panama Documents - Agenda  - Information...

Social protection and food security indicators: An inquiry through data from 10 household budget surveys. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series/15-09

The aim of the paper is to provide empirical evidence on the association between social protection systems and food security conditions in selected developing countries,...

Third capacity development workshop of the UNFCCC West Africa Project

11-15 May 2015, Dakar, Senegal The U.S. Department of the Interior (USDoI) and FAO are jointly conducting the third capacity training Workshop on...

Guidelines to enhance fisheries and aquaculture statistics through a census framework

These Guidelines on Census Survey Stages describe a method that can be employed to accurately capture the actual contribution of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture to...

Second capacity development workshop of the UNFCCC West Africa Project

20-25 April 2015, Kumasi, Ghana The second training workshop of the UNFCCC West Africa Project will be held from 20-25 April in Kumasi,...