Agrifood Systems


Podcast: Towards Sustainable Food Systems - E1: In conversation with Herman Brouwer, Advisor at WCDI
In this introductory episode of the podcast mini-series ‘Towards Sustainable Food Systems’, we are joined by Herman Brouwer, Senior Advisor on multi-stakeholder collaboration at the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI)...
Food waste management and circular economy in Mediterranean cities
Outcomes of the Webinar on Food waste management and circular economy in Mediterranean cities, organized by the SFS-MED Platform and held on 25 May 2022...
Critical, emerging and enduring issues for food security and nutrition
A note by the high-level panel of experts on food security and nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)...
Voluntary code of conduct for food loss and waste reduction
At its 26th Session in October 2018, the FAO Committee on Agriculture (COAG) requested FAO to take the lead to develop voluntary codes of conduct for the reduction of food loss and food waste. In response to the COAG request, FAO developed the Voluntary Code of Conduct for Food Loss and Waste Reduction, which was endorsed by the 42nd Session of the FAO Conference in June 2021. The Voluntary Code of Conduct for Food Loss and Waste Reduction sets out a generic framework of actions and guiding principles that should be followed to reduce food loss and waste (FLW) and...
[VIDEO] School feeding in Portoviejo, Ecuador
This video shows the outcome of the School Feeding Programme activated in Portoviejo, Ecuador, in line with the FAO Framework for the Urban Food Agenda. Such project impacts on a very important problem in Ecuador: malnutrition in school-age children, also having a positive effect on the local economy and agriculture...
Sixteen Urban Food Systems Dialogues for the UN Food Systems Summit
This report summarizes the major outcomes of the dialogues that were conducted by more than 26 local governments and brought together about 1000 stakeholders under the partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability in contribution to the United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021...
WEFE Nexus to increase resilience in Mediterranean food systems
Recording of the Virtual Meeting
[VIDEO] Reducing Food Loss and Waste in Kigali, Rwanda
This video shows the collaboration between FAO, the City of Kigali and the Rwanda Rural Rehabilitation Initiative to create a Task Force on Food Waste Reduction and Management to address these issues...
Food waste management & circular economy in Med cities
Recording of the Virtual Meeting
Building a new vision for the pineapple value chain in Suriname
Suriname, a country on the northeastern Atlantic coast of South America, is considered the birthplace of pineapples. Pineapples are cultivated primarily by the indigenous population living in the Savannah Belt. Although the area of pineapple production in Suriname is small, the genetic diversity is extraordinary, and the potential for growth significant...
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