Estas directrices complementan el Marco de Referencia para el Desarrollo de Cadenas de Valor Sensibles al Género, y están destinadas principalmente a ayudar a profesionales a diseñar e implementar intervenciones que brinden a mujeres y hombres las mismas oportunidades de beneficiarse del desarrollo de la cadena de valor agroalimentaria.
The Seminar held by Ms. Barbara Emanuel, Manager of the Toronto Food Strategy, presents a case-study from the city of Toronto, which leveraged on climate change action and a Food Systems approach to improving life of its communities.
Many city mayors have committed to developing sustainable and resilient food systems, to accord nutritious and accessible food to all, protect biodiversity and fight against food waste. With these objectives, 199 cities signed the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), which sets 6 workstreams and 37 recommended actions.
The purpose of the Monitoring Framework is to serve as an instrument for cities and urban food stakeholders to identify food-related policy and programme priorities. The Framework also serves to illustrate to what extent “desired changes” are happening and/or how impactful such changes are. Thus, 44 indicators are defined and provide a monitoring...
FAO framework for the Urban Food Agenda
The FAO Framework for the Urban Food Agenda serves as a corporate strategy to address emerging calls from countries, responding to demands for a multi-sectorial, multi-stakeholder and multi-level approach to food insecurity and malnutrition across the rural-urban continuum.
This publication on SIDS highlights the current challenges, opportunities and FAO examples in action to catalyse change, including activities to help implement the Global Action Programme on Food Security and Nutrition in SIDS.
Integrating food into urban planning
While urbanisation worldwide sets up unprecedented challenges for feeding cities with accessible, afordable food and healthy diets, urban food security and food systems are receiving growing attention at an international level and in a growing number of cities of all sizes.
This presentation of the publication Integrating food into Urban planning shines a light on how best to integrate food systems into urban planning, if cities are to ensure food security for all, improve nutrition and management of natural resources.
The analysis of gender-based constraints provides critical information and entry points for the identification of efficient and culturally acceptable solutions to food loss.
The Accelerator for Agriculture and Agroindustry Development and Innovation (3ADI+) is a joint value chain and market systems development programme, spearheaded by FAO and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
The increasing demand for high-value products on international and domestic food markets provides an opportunity for developing countries to generate economic growth and gainful employment. investments continue to hinder the development of inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems.