Mécanisme forêts et paysans


Cécile Ndjebet, our FFF Steering Committee member, and co-founder and director of REFACOF is the winner of the 2022 Wangari Maathai Forest Champions Award. The FFF congratulates Cécile for her work with rural women to ensure their rights to land and forests.
The Forest and Farm Facility has been engaged in the organization of three events. You can watch the replay of our events. Learn more about FFF's participation in this year's World Forestry Congress. 
The forest team of the the Natural Resources research group, at IIED is seeking a new researcher to join the team. The forest finance researcher is an exciting role new role, working closely with IIED colleagues and a network of international partners with special emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa. 
Under the framework of the UN Decade of Family Farming, FAO developed this bief to assist its Members to implement context-specific interventions focused on the multidimensionality of family farming. 
FFF rend hommage à Lucie Noasilalao, femme remarquable, Présidente de la Plateforme Nationale Femme, Développement Durable et Sécurité Alimentaire, pour ses engagements et son dynamisme dans la valorisation et la conservation de l’environnement à Madagascar. Elle restera à jamais dans nos cœurs.