Sustainable forest management

Title Strengthening the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable management of forest landscapes
Introduction The project is designed to enhance the conservation of biodiversity across Turkey’s Kazdağları Region through an integrated (multi-sectoral) landscape management approach that strengthens protected areas at system and individual site levels, while also safeguarding peripheral forest and agricultural lands under production through sustainable management practices, and enhancing biodiversity conservation.
Start date 25/10/2022
End date 25/10/2027
Recipient / Target Areas Türkiye
Budget 4,657,534
Project Code GCP /TUR/904/GFF
Title Integrated management of mangrove ecosystem and expansion of social protection
Introduction Enhancing the state capacities in mangrove rehabilitation, its conservation, utilization and management while raising awareness on the role of mangroves for a sustainable ecosystem and strengthen capacities of government agencies on the use of technologies for ecosystem restoration and expand social protection for fisheries/forest-dependent communities.
Start date 01/08/2022
End date 30/11/2024
Recipient / Target Areas Nigeria
Budget 1,088,021
Donor United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Project Code GCP /NIR/073/UK
Title Enhancing biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem flows, enhancing carbon stocks
Introduction Deforestation and land degradation had devastating consequence on biodiversity, while with more than 20,000 endemic species, the Philippines is recognized as a megadiverse country, one of 17 nations that, together, hold two-thirds of earth’s biological diversity. The remaining biodiversity isolated in biodiversity islands and the degraded lands can’t sustain long term food production for a growing population.
Start date 04/01/2021
End date 31/12/2025
Recipient / Target Areas Philippines
Budget 2,639,726
Project Code GCP /PHI/065/GFF
Title Promoting dryland sustainable landscapes and biodiversity conservation
Introduction Reversing and preventing dryland ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss through an inclusive, integrated landscape and value chain approach securing multiple environment benefits and sustainable, resilient livelihoods in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia.
Start date 01/04/2021
End date 31/03/2026
Recipient / Target Areas Mongolia
Budget 2,677,293
Project Code GCP /MON/018/GFF
Title Sustainable forest management to enhance the resilience of forests to climate change (FSP)
Introduction Sustainable forest management in China's forest ecosystems secures the flow of multiple ecosystem services and benefits, including carbon storage and biodiversity conservation while enhancing resilience to climate change.
Start date 30/09/2016
End date 31/12/2024
Recipient / Target Areas China
Budget 7,152,728
Project Code GCP /CPR/056/GFF
Title Forest resilience of Armenia, enhancing adaptation and rural green growth via mitigation
Introduction By the end of project CO2 removals from the forests subsector are increased by at least 7% via sustainable climate adaptive forestry investments and fuelwood energy efficiency with effective involvement of communities.
Start date 04/11/2021
End date 03/11/2029
Recipient / Target Areas Armenia
Budget 10,000,000
Project Code GCP /ARM/008/GCF