Selección y priorización de las actividades del CSA para el bienio 2016-2017
El CSA ha iniciado un proceso de selección y asignación de prioridades en las actividades para el bienio 2016-2017. A través de esta discusión en línea, la Secretaría del CSA quiere invitar a todos los interesados a que realicen sus aportaciones a este proceso.
El Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial (CSA) es la principal plataforma incluyente para las cuestiones de seguridad alimentaria y nutrición. Dada la importancia de su papel existe una amplia gama de posibles actividades que el CSA puede llevar a cabo. En su 40ª sesión plenaria, en octubre de 2013, el Comité puso en marcha un proceso estructurado e incluyente de dos años para decidir sobre su próximo programa de trabajo y para seleccionar y priorizar las actividades futuras.
El proceso de priorización de las actividades del CSA se basa en los siguientes cinco criterios:
- La consideración del mandato del CSA y cuál es el valor añadido del elemento de trabajo;
- La contribución de las actividades al objetivo general de CSA, véase el anexo 1;
- No debe haber duplicación de actividades pasadas o presentes que estén llevando a cabo otros actores con mandatos comparables;
- Los recursos disponibles deben ser tenidos en cuenta;
- Debe existir consenso entre las partes interesadas del CSA.
El proceso debería arrojar los siguientes resultados en relación a las actividades del CSA para el bienio 2016-2017:
- Líneas principales de trabajo caracterizadas por un proceso de consulta y negociación de base amplia y relativamente prolongado sobre temas estratégicos reconocidos como de gran importancia para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición y que lleven a la finalización y aprobación de productos clave del CSA;
- Otras líneas de trabajo posibles que pueden ser desarrolladas por el CSA, distintas de las que ya existen;
- Temas para futuros informes del Grupo de alto nivel de expertos (HLPE, por sus siglas en inglés)
Este proceso tiene como objetivo ayudar a que la Plenaria a celebrar en octubre de 2015 tome una decisión informada sobre qué temas abordar y en relación a qué tipo de actividad.
Para facilitar la consulta, puede encontrarse un extracto del Programa de trabajo y prioridades plurianual (PTPA) que fue aprobado en el CSA 40 en octubre de 2014 -y que recoge las principales actividades que se llevarán a cabo por el Comité en el bienio 2014-2015-, en el anexo 2.
El proceso general de priorización
Después del diálogo entre múltiples partes interesadas celebrado en Bucarest el 31 de marzo de 2014 para la región de Europa y ante la imposibilidad de celebrar diálogos similares de forma consecutiva con las otras Conferencias Regionales de la FAO, el proceso continuará con una consulta en línea que permitirá a todas las partes interesadas del CSA realizar aportaciones para el proceso de selección de actividades del CSA para el bienio 2016-2017.
Tras esta consulta en línea, se llevará a cabo una reunión del Grupo de Trabajo de composición abierta el 30 de junio de 2014 en Roma para discutir los resultados, analizar las diferentes actividades propuestas, fusionar y condensar cuando sea posible y recoger nuevas aportaciones con el fin de reunir información para el CSA 41
Después del CSA 41 en octubre de 2014, el foco se desplazará al análisis de las propuestas que se recibieron y a su priorización.
Se desarrollarán procesos de consulta interna dentro de los diferentes grupos del CSA para discutir y expresar las preferencias entre las actividades que se han propuesto.
Habrá dos reuniones del Grupo de Trabajo de composición abierta en el primer semestre de 2015, con el fin de encontrar consenso sobre la lista de actividades; la primera para analizar y racionalizar las propuestas presentadas por los diversos grupos del CSA y la segunda para presentar y debatir una lista de prioridades. Esta lista se presentará al CSA 42 en 2015, cuando se tome la decisión final sobre las actividades propuestas para 2016-2017.
La consulta en línea
Nos gustaría invitarle a que responda a las siguientes preguntas:
- ¿Qué temas deben ser abordados por el Comité en el bienio 2016-2017?
- Explique el problema y señale por qué lo está proponiendo;
- ¿Qué tipo de actividad propone para solucionar este problema? ¿Qué tipo de línea de trabajo del CFS debe establecerse para hacerle frente?
- Una línea principal de trabajo
- Otro tipo de línea de trabajo
- Un informe del HLPE
- Leer 57 contribuciones
The UN System Standing Committee on Nutrition welcomes this public consultation and would like to make the following contribution.
1.What issues should be addressed by the Committee in the biennium 2016-2017?
Issue is: Diet quality and food safety for food and nutrition security.
Description of the issue: The effects of diet quality and food standards, including private sector standards, on production, storage, transport, processing, consumption and trade patterns, especially regarding food and nutrition security need to be addressed.
2.Explain the issue and describe why you are proposing it;
In the Rio+20 declaration: The future we want, participants reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing food and nutrition security and the access to adequate, safe and nutritious food for present and future generations. Access to diversified, nutritious and safe food is a basic human right and is essential for food and nutrition security and achieving poverty reduction worldwide.
Food security is not only about producing or importing enough food often with a focus on dietary energy. It is also about ensuring the safety, quality and diversified nutritional aspects of the food people eat.
Consequences of not having access to affordable quality and safe foods are numerous: Foodborne and waterborne diarrhoeal diseases kill an estimated 2.2 million people annually, most of them children. Other serious health consequences including cancer, reproductive and immuneffects may be caused by microbial or chemical food hazards. Contaminants contribute to and accaserbate nutrition-related effects, e.g. mycotoxins and stunting, immunomodulation by mycotoxins or environmental contaminants, particularly affecting undernourished people. The rising global burden of noncommunicable diseases is a tragic consequence of food and nutrition insecurity and the fact that many people do not have access to sufficient, quality and safe food or choose not to consume these.
The problem is a global one which has different faces in different countries, but needs to be addressed globally, regionally, and at national and sub-national level.
3.What kind of activity do you propose to address this issue? Which kind of CFS workstream should be put in place to address it?
The issue should be addressed by a major workstream of the CFS or as a HLPE report and subsequent policy roundtable in the CFS annual plenary.
The UNSCN Secretariat
United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition
c/o World Health Organization
20 Via Appia, Geneva, Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 79 10456 ; Email: [email protected] ;
Dear Minister Counsellor Fratini,
Many thanks for this opportunity to engage in this process and provide input.
With Reference to the HLPE Report on Food Waste: A work stream specifically focusing on Post-Harvest Losses (PHLs) with cross cutting issues of environmental impact, nutrition, health & water sanitation, in its nature would likely engage a multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary approach:
The food crisis in 2006/ 2007 resulted in a sharp rise in global food prices bringing an increased focus on agriculture and a renewed interest in the reduction of postharvest losses (PHLs) as a means of increasing food availability and rural incomes.
In the case of smallholders, most cereals are stored by farming households after harvest until they are sold or consumed during the year.
A key aspect of addressing post-harvest losses is through encouraging smallholders to invest more of their resources in postharvest handling and storage to maintain the high quality of their cereal and reap the rewards of higher value markets.
Better post-harvest management associated with loss reduction was, in addition to discussion the HLPE report, also reported by the World Bank’s 2011 “Missing Food Report” as a way of helping to build resilience against current and future climate-related shocks, and reduce the need for compensatory agricultural extensification, land use change, and damage to the environment services, including carbon sequestration.
The targets primary outcome if to achieve a goal on the reduction of food losses & waste – there should be a relevant end point e.g. 2030 & clear regional quantitative targets; with the note that post-harvest not only includes crop losses, but also livestock, fisheries. There should also be a further push for separation of both, loss and waste, with clear targets on Productivity losses (including Livestock) & Post-Harvest losses.
To address the remaining cross cutting issues – it is important to note that simply increasing the nutrition by ensuring a healthy and nutritious diet through promotion of a micronutrient rich diet, increasing coverage of nutrition behavior change activities is not enough. It must be couple with improved water sanitation and drinking water. It is key that improving nutrition and proving safe drinking water are principles that are run in parallel; since for example if a child is infected with a waterborne disease it is likely to fail to achieve the expected impact, to singularly increase the nutritive value of the child diet, as diarrhea usually accompanies these waterborne conditions.
For the Committee of Food Security; under this work stream there could be three key focus areas:
1. A CFS roundtable event on defining actionable linkages with water & health to synergise impacts, when improving nutrition through Food Security measures
2. Best Practices for reducing post-harvest and post production losses; Guidelines for countries on the correct measures to take and tools to use for greatest impact
3. A CFS roundtable event on solutions to reducing post-harvest losses and other food losses
Many thanks for your kind attention and advice.
Kind Regards
Georgina Bingham Zivanovic PhD FRES
Product Development Manager Food Security
Vestergaard Frandsen SA
Chemin Messidor 5-7 | 1006 Lausanne| Switzerland
T: +41 (0) 21 310 7331 | M: +41 79 824 2032
E: [email protected] | W: | Skype: georgina.bingham
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The most important factor for the Farmers in India is the Asymmetric Information
reaching them on every count - Input, Output in terms of their availabilityand also their price.
The source of information for all these still continues to be the Input supplier i.e the retail supplier of Seed, fertilizer, pesticide etc.
2) The next issue is the procurement of different agricultural products by government. Here the farmer is also a victim.
3)The core issue of these again boils down to the crucial issue of Land Reform.
In India who really tills the land - what is their proportion in terms of having the ownership of the land (certainty of tenurship even).
4) What is stable policy in Agriculture? Do we need Agricultural policy or We are badly in need of a POLICY for Farmers?
Which is important. Who will set the priorities?
Agriculture as a sector needs a policy or Farmers as a class of people - one of the most productive - (though the % of contribution is less than 14% to GDP)need a policy for their survival.
If Farmers donot survive who will cultivate the land to provide that basic minimum of sustainable food.
Can India afford to depend upon the rest of the world for it's food requirement.
These are the issues Which CFS can take up seriously.
Pradip Kumar Nath,
Adjunct Faculty,
Center for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (CPME)
National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD)
Hyderabad, INDIA
- What issues should be addressed by the Committee in the biennium 2016-2017?
The proposal made by the Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário Brasil related to the need to seize the momentum of the International Year of Family farming and discussion of its follow up to address issues related to
- Multi-stakeholder, broad-based, participatory platforms for food security and family farming.
- Regional and sub-regional agricultural strategies and integration mechanisms which are conducive to food security and family farming.
Building on such context and need, including outcome of the regional dialogue on family farming organized by FAO, I would propose a third issues which could be addressed and makes sense in relation with FAO mandate as a knowledge organization and overall objective of CFS to propose better coordination, policy advice, sharing of best practices, as well in connection with other work stream (such as improved rural and agricultural):
- how to better bridge the knowledge gap on agrarian structures, notably family farming in its diversity and in in conjunction with overall rural transformations so as to inform such multi-stakeholders platform and integration mechanisms at different levels?
2. Explain the issue and describe why you are proposing it
Indeed, Assessment at global and local level showed that most often it was difficult to actually capture and characterize family farming in its diversity, although it is key to facilitate informed dialogue and to adapt better policy. Besides, there is often weak understanding of the strong inter-relations between rural transformations and evolving agrarian structures, and the challenges they raise for different types of holding, including diverse family farms, as well as for society (notably for instance regarding the employment issue as well as sustainability agenda[1]). Also, as highlighted by contribution of M. Robinson, UK, it is key to go beyond FF and also characterize roles of new actors, non family structures. What best trajectories can be imagined? What implications for policy? Such often requires an informed dialogue on the potential roles and evolutions of family farming.
Data are often quite weak and very difficult to compare across countries. Different information systems exist but do not always well coordinate amongst themselves and liaise with users. Capacities to better valorize and analyze the data in such perspective is often lacking. Initiative emerge in different countries but may require or benefit from further support and platform for exchanges on the topic. The international Year of family farming is setting up an international working group to further propose criteria and guidelines to develop definitions and typologies of FF.
3. What kind of activity do you propose to address this issue? Which kind of CFS work stream should be put in place to address it?
Such could include:
- Further assessment, knowledge generation and dialogue on the diversity of family farms and the inter-connection between rural transformations and agrarian structures and the challenges they raise for different types of holding, including diverse family farms as well as for society, in a context of increased need for sustainability. Also, as highlighted by contribution of M. Robinson, UK, it is key to go beyond FF and also characterize roles of new actors, non family structures. What diversity of trajectories can we currently see and imagine? What implications for society and policy?
- Further assessment and exchange on the related data, information systems and capacity development requirement. How can current data initiative help to better address the data gap, including the global strategy for rural and agricultural statistics, the world program of census or LSMS type of data? Can we minimally harmonize some of the data to enable better comparison and dialogue across regions? What kind of information platform and observatory can help better collate and use such information, bridging the gap between data and policy and facilitating longer term dialogue on such? What methods to better assess such transformations at national and global level?
CFS stream could include: HLPE report on the topic, integration of such points along existing work stream (global strategy for improved rural and agricultural statistics) as well as on previously proposed work stream on “country-initiated multistakeholder assessments on sustainable food systems, food security and nutrition” and “smallholders and market”. Indeed, such assessment would benefit to 1) take into account the rural transformations perspective and diverse roles of evolving agrarian structures and 2) provide best practices and guidelines on how to inform such assessment in long term (data requirement, information and monitoring system, etc.).
Such point could be discussed in the discussion on the follow-up to IYFF and of a Global Document to be agreed in October during CFS 41
[1] See FAO Asian regional conference paper on meeting farmers aspirations in context of green development
Please find attached the French GISA contribution.
Best regards
Groupe Interministériel sur la Sécurité Alimentaire
What issues should be addressed by the Committee in the biennium 2016-2017? The Committee could explore the role of innovation and investment in the development of agriculture and food systems. - Explain the issue and describe why you are proposing it; There is solid evidence that agriculture can be intensified with accompanying productivity gains without eroding the natural resource base. Canada for example has actually improved our native soils since the 1930s while intensifying production. Innovation and improvements in technology and agronomic practices have significantly reduced water use and soil conditions have improved– soils at risk have declined significantly. With zero till practices and new crop varieties built on new technology agriculture uses approximately 500,000 gallons of water per acre less than was the case in the 1980s. There are number studies done by international agencies that show evidence of how to boost productivity, particularly for small family farms, through innovation and investing wisely and responsibly in agriculture.
- What kind of activity do you propose to address this issue? Roundtable.
- Which kind of CFS workstream should be put in place to address it?
- A major workstream
- Another type of workstream
- An HLPE report
Jan Dyer
Director of Government Relations
The World Farmers’ Organisation, WFO, would invite the CFS to implement more action-oriented, farmer-centric initiatives for the biennium 2016-17. For instance, it would be important to organize regional consultations with farmers’ organizations regardless their size (small medium and large scale farmers), gender age and geographical position to foster their involvement in the CFS activities and processes. A part from the annual meeting of the CFS, there should be additional occasions to directly involve farmers in the policy debate on global food security with a right to speak for them selves and not only represented by institutions. With this perspective, the CFS through its mechanisms should promote the organization of multi stakeholder workshops at regional level that would see farmers at the center of the stage as well as all other actors of the society, private and public sectors, research institutions, international organizations, foundations.
Dear Chair Fratini,
I would like to submit the following on behalf of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundaiton for consideration as part of the MYPoW.
Kind regards,
Ammad Bahalim
Sr. Consultant - Trade, Nutrition and Agriculture Advocacy
What issues should be addressed by the Committee in the biennium 2016-2017?
Investment in agricultural research and development
Explain the issue and describe why you are proposing it:
Stable and increased investment in research and development for agriculture is necessary to meet the productivity growth needed to address critical social, economic and environmental challenges related to food security and nutrition. Many countries have made substantial progress in support in this area. However, growth in spending on agricultural research and development should be improved substantially and should meet international targets: 1 percent of agricultural GDP and to grow by 5 percent annually. Discussion at the CFS could help mobilize a variety of stakeholders to ensure that investment in agriculture is taking place at the requisite pace.
What kind of activity do you propose to address this issue? Which kind of CFS workstream should be put in place to address it?
HLPE report
What issues should be addressed by the Committee in the biennium 2016-2017?
Sustainable Agriculture Productivity Growth
Explain the issue and describe why you are proposing it:
Agricultural productivity will need to grow in a sustainable manner to address concerns such as malnourishment, resource scarcity and economic opportunity. Sustainable growth in agricultural productivity growth may be an important means of achieving critical development concerns. Members of the CFS could share best practices on how to achieve such growth while also learning how their own work may be improved.
What kind of activity do you propose to address this issue? Which kind of CFS workstream should be put in place to address it?
HLPE Report
Dear Luca,
During 2016-17, the CFS should undertake activities to analyse changes in global food system governance. At present, rapid changes are taking place in the actors that shape decisions about global food policies. New sets of actors are influencing formal decisionmaking, as well as the broader market and governance environment, with major implications for future policmaking at the national and international levels. I propose the CFS analyse this issue in depth either through a workstream or HLPE report.
Addressing this issue would require identifying the actors that are exercising growing influence (particularly multinational corporations, private financial organizations, intergovernmental treaties with strong private backing, semi-monopoly food retailers, etc.), as well as the mechanisms through which they are shaping global policy and (including intergovernmental trade agreements, public-private partnership schemes, the financialization of food markets, etc.). This would build upon the strong base of analysis initiated under the leadership of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food.
CFS needs to play a leading role in identifying these trends, analysing their consequences and identifying leverage points for change. No other global institution has the legitimacy or capacity to undertake this task. Analysing global food governance - and the political and economic forces driving change - is crucial to maintaining and strengthening future policy space to address the full range of specific challenges (including improving nutrition, driving sustainable agricultural intensification, job creation, and building national and regional food markets).
Ewan Robinson
Research Officer
Institute of Development Studies, UK
May 20th, 2014
Luca Fratini
Chair of the Open-Ended Working Group on MYPoW
Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Dear Minister Counsellor Fratini,
I am writing to you today in response to the Committee on World Food Security’s (CFS) call for topics to prioritize at the 2016-2017 biennium. The Global Renewable Fuels Alliance (GRFA) would like to begin by conveying its appreciation for maintaining a high level of stakeholder participation in consultations.
For the 2016-2017 biennium the Global Renewable Fuels Alliance would strongly suggest the topic of “Crude Oil and Food Security” to the CFS.
Crude oil and its price impact global food prices in many ways. The price of oil has a direct impact on the cost of fertilizer, the cost of packaging and the cost of transportation. The GRFA first highlighted the direct link between food and oil prices in March 2011 and has tracked it over subsequent years seeing a trend develop – the price of food follows the price of oil.
There is general consensus from international organizations on this topic. In 2011 David Hallam, the FAO’s Deputy Director confirmed this when he said;
“unexpected oil price spikes could further exacerbate an already precarious situation in food markets.”
Due to the severe impact crude oil prices have on food prices and therefore food security, GRFA members are of the opinion that the only way to address this important topic is by creating its own “Crude Oil and Food Security” work stream. Like other topics of similar importance the work stream would conclude with an HLPE report with suggestions on how to lessen crude oil’s impact on food prices and food security.
The GRFA would welcome the opportunity to assist the Chair of the Open-Ended Working Group to develop the scope of the working group if the topic were chosen in the future.
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or visit
Bliss Baker
Global Renewable Fuels Alliance
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