Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Mercados y comercio

Informes y resúmenes

Policy Brief Lessons from Africa

The main challenge for African food systems in the future will be to provide food for a rapidly growing population with changing diets and food preferences. Whilst the population of Europe is decreasing, with consumers demanding food that is produced in an environmentally and socially responsible...

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Publicaciones emblemáticas de la FAO

Estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación 2019 - Progresos en la lucha contra la pérdida y el desperdicio de alimento

Esta nueva edición del informe tiene un enfoque específico en las pérdidas y el desperdicio de alimentos, y proporciona nuevas estimaciones de las pérdidas de alimentos a nivel mundial desde la cosecha hasta, aunque excluyéndolo, el nivel minorista. El informe, destinado responsables políticos...

All Africa synthetic pesticide congress and the eastern Africa conference on scaling up agroecology and ecological organic trade mutually merge

The “1st All Africa Synthetic Pesticide Congress” organized by the World Food Preservation CenterÒLLC merges with the Eastern Africa conference on “Scaling up Agroecology and Ecological Organic Trade” organized by Biovision Africa Trust, IFOAM Organics International and their Partners to become the “1st International Conference on Agroecology Transforming Agriculture & Food Systems in Africa”.

The “1st All Africa Congress on Synthetic Pesticides, Environment, Human and Animal Health” has expanded its goals by the recognition of Agroecology as a means of combatting synthetic pesticide and fertilizers contamination in the African continent and ensuring actions towards true sustainable agriculture and food systems. The “Agroecology and Ecological Organic Trade” equally see the need to address threats to sustainable agriculture and food systems.

The conference has attracted world leading scientists on both the impact of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers on the African people, their animals, and environment and advocates for Agroecology as a means of producing food without the need for synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. This rare consortium of leading world scientists, practitioners and other players will chart a course to substantially and sustainably reduce synthetic pesticide and fertilizer contamination in Africa. We invite you to participate in and contribute to this seminal event.

Among the keynote speakers at the conference are Professor Hans Herren, the first Swiss to receive the 1995 World Food Prize and the 2013 Right Livelihood Award (alternate Nobel Prize) for leading a major biological control effort. Also, Professor Tyrone Hayes, UC Berkley, who has pioneered in establishing that the herbicide atrazine is an endocrine disruptor that demasculinizes and feminizes male frogs. Other keynote speakers at the congress are on the forefront of research on the impact of synthetic pesticides and GMOs on the health of humans, animals, and the environment. Also, world leading scientists will be speaking on regenerative agriculture and food sovereignty.

The “1st International Conference on Agroecology Transforming Agriculture & Food Systems in Africa: Reducing Synthetic Pesticides and Fertilizers by Scaling Up Agroecology and Promoting Ecological Organic Trade ” will be held at the Safari Park Hotel & Casino, Nairobi, Kenya on June 18-21, 2019.

You can register here.


Charles L. Wilson, Ph.D., Founder World Food Preservation CenterÒLLC, Charles Town, WV, USA

[email protected]

David Amudavi, Ph.D., Director, Bivision Trust, Nairobi, Kenya

[email protected]


About World Food Preservation Center:

To feed the world's exploding population, we MUST save substantially more of the food that we already produce. Up until now we have invested a disproportionate amount of our resources in the production of food (95%) while only (5%) in the postharvest preservation of food. This has left us with tremendous postharvest "Skill Gaps" and "Technology Gaps" in developing countries. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC is filling these gaps by: (1) promoting the education (M.S. and Ph.D.) of young student/scientists from developing countries; (2) having young student/scientists from developing countries conduct research on much needed new postharvest technologies adaptable to their native countries; (3) organize continent-wide postharvest congresses and exhibitions for developing countries; (4) publish much needed new texts/reference books on postharvest technologies/methods for developing countries; and (5) develop a comprehensive database on all postharvest knowledge relative to developing countries with access portals for researchers, students, administrators, industry, businesses, and farmers.

About Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT):

Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) is a not-for-profit organization established in Kenya in 2009 by the Biovision Foundation for ecological development in Switzerland and supported by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) in Nairobi. The Trust’s goal is to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Kenya and other African countries through supporting dissemination of information and knowledge on appropriate technology to improve human, animal, plant, and environmental health. Agricultural output and food supply are however hindered by various environmental factors and lack of information and relevant training for the African smallholder farmers. Plant pests, for instance, are responsible for up to 80% of crop losses. Ecologically sustainable solutions are a practical alternative for African farmers to achieve good crop yields without relying on expensive chemical fertilizers and pesticides. What is lacking, however, are effective dissemination pathways to deliver relevant information to the farmers.                                                              



Hacia una comprensión común de los Sistemas Alimentarios Sostenibles

El Programa de Sistemas Alimentarios Sostenibles de la red One Planet de las Naciones Unidas está preparando actualmente una publicación sobre enfoques, conceptos y términos clave relacionados con los sistemas alimentarios sostenibles

El objetivo de esta consulta es abrir la fase de redacción a toda la red del Programa de Sistemas Alimentarios Sostenibles y a otros ámbitos, al abanico más amplio posible de partes interesadas.

La FAO à la 11ème Conférence ministérielle de l'OMC à Buenos Aires, Argentine (MC11)

La relación entre el comercio y la seguridad alimentaria suscita una atención cada vez mayor, tanto en la agenda del comercio como en la del desarrollo. Se considera que el comercio equitativo es un factor que impulsa poderosamente el cumplimiento de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible y el logro del Hambre Cero en el contexto del cambio climático.

Dado que los patrones de consumo y producción siguen evolucionando, se espera que el comercio agrícola continúe creciendo durante la próxima década. El objetivo consiste ahora en garantizar que la expansión del comercio agrícola contribuya realmente a la eliminación del hambre, de la inseguridad alimentaria y de la malnutrición en todo el mundo. Alrededor de este desafío gira el apoyo que presta la Organización para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) a sus Miembros en la preparación de acuerdos comerciales, en especial bajo los auspicios de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC).

La FAO, en colaboración con asociados clave acogerá y participará en varios actos paralelos durante la 11ª Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC, que se celebrará en Buenos Aires. Invitamos a las personas acreditadas a acompañarnos en los diferentes actos que se indican más abajo. Será una excelente oportunidad para compartir las experiencias de sus países en el desarrollo de la seguridad alimentaria y una mejor nutrición bajo el sistema comercial multilateral de la OMC.

Live session: The 11th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC11) and its significance for food security in Africa

Today the online discussion: 

“The 11th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC11) and its significance for food security in Africa” is complemented by a live session now ongoing on the Sub Saharan Africa Food Security Portal of IFPRI, at this link:

On the IFPRI portal you can post comments and questions over the next 24 hours and an expert will respond in real time. 


La 11ª Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC y su importancia para la seguridad alimentaria en África

Antes de que se celebre la Undécima Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC en Buenos Aires del 10 al 13 de diciembre de 2017, la FAO y el IFPRI, a través del Foro FSN y el sitio web sobre Seguridad Alimentaria del IFPRI, unen sus esfuerzos para proporcionar una plataforma de intercambio de conocimientos e impresiones sobre la importancia para África de la Undécima Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC. Ésta es una oportunidad para aumentar la concienciación sobre los vínculos entre el comercio y la seguridad alimentaria, y la importancia de los acuerdos de la OMC para estos vínculos.