Fifteen years implementing the Right to Food Guidelines. Reviewing progress to achieve the 2030 Agenda
Since 2004, the Right to Food Guidelines have introduced an approach that has influenced the global agenda to eradicate hunger and malnutrition and is relevant to today’s global efforts towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, grounded in human rights...

E-learning: The Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems
Through this mobile resource, you will be able to explore the Principles for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems, endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security.
Food loss and waste and the right to adequate food: Making the connection
This Discussion paper explores the relationship between food loss and waste (FLW) and the right to adequate food. It focuses on the need to develop sustainable global consumption and production systems to contribute to the realization of the right to adequate food while it argues for a human rights...
Agua para la vida : aportes a la construcción de mejores prácticas en el manejo sustentable del agua y la biodiversidad
A partir del análisis de diversas experiencias locales en el manejo de agua y biodiversidad, este manual busca mostrar una propuesta integral para ampliar las capacidades de quienes se relacionan con la gestión de los recursos hídricos, en los distintos niveles.

Appel à expériences et bonnes pratiques en matière d'utilisation et d'application des Directives volontaires à l'appui de la concrétisation progressive du droit à une alimentation adéquate dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire nationale
Le Comité de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale vous invite à partager les expériences et les bonnes pratiques dans l'utilisation et l'application des Directives volontaires à l'appui de la concrétisation progressive du droit à une alimentation adéquate dans le contexte de la sécurité alimentaire nationale. Les contributions faciliteront le suivi des progrès réalisés dans l'utilisation et l'application Directives volontaires et seront compilées dans un document qui sera présenté à la 45e session du CSA en octobre 2018.
Local Food for Global Future
Nowadays it is generally recognized that the post World War II industrial agriculture and food in Western countries was succesful with regard to profit, but unsuccesful with respect to people and planet. The underlying structure was a linear economy and a poor interpretation of the sustainability...
The right to adequate food and decent rural employment: joining forces
This advocacy brief explores in practice the linkages between the right to adequate food and rural decent employment and how they can mutually reinforce each other and maximize the results achieved with national and local partners. Its objective is to focus on raising awareness and increasing...

Responsible investment in agriculture and food systems
Responsible investment in agriculture and food systems is essential for enhancing food security and nutrition and supporting the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security. Responsible investment makes a significant contribution to enhancing...
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