全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



        2021年版 《世界粮食安全与营养状况》(SOFI 跨机构执笔团队[1] 邀请各位分享有关最佳实践和经验教训的实际案例,说明应当如何以十分切实和创新的方式推动粮食体系转型,从而改善对富有营养食物和经济实惠健康饮食的享有。

        《世界粮食安全与营养状况》往期报告[2] 已经对主要成因,包括冲突和内乱 气候变异和极端情况 经济放缓和衰退 持续性贫困和不平等 目前又加上新冠病毒疫情,如何造成世界粮食安全与营养状况恶化以及阻碍数以亿计的人们享有富有营养的食物的情况进行了重点阐述。  






请使用 提交表格 分享你的实例和经验。


  • 适用性和相关性:兼有区域和全球视角并基于各国不同国情的典型举措。
  • 各领域政策、投资和其他干预措施,对两个或两个以上粮食不安全和所有形式营养不良主要包括冲突、气候变异和极端情况、经济放缓和衰退、持续性贫困和不平等以及新冠病毒疫情的经济和健康影响等
  • 与公共和私营部门各主体对接,包括各种政府机构、当地社区、民间社会、粮食供应链各主体、食物环境、消费者及其他。
  • 有关创新/转型举措有助于增加对富有营养食物的享有和健康饮食经济实惠性的程度。  
  • 文字证据: 有关最佳实践成功实施、政策和举措对粮食安全与营养的影响以及与干预措施相关的其他机会、挑战和折衷方案的其他辅助信息(电子文档、网络链接等)。




        各位可以在本网页上传填写完毕的提交表格。欲联络《世界粮食安全与营养状况》团队或寻求有关提交表格下载或上传的技术支持,请通过电子邮件方式联系[email protected]


Cindy Holleman,农业粮食经济学司资深经济学家兼《世界粮食安全与营养状况》编辑

Mark Smulders2021年版《世界粮食安全与营养状况》特别顾问

[1] 世界粮食安全与营养装状况》跨机构执笔团队由粮农组织、农发基金、儿基会、世卫组织和粮食署的技术专家组成。

[2] SOFI 2017, SOFI 2018, SOFI 2019, SOFI 2020.

[3] 请注意“转型性变革”是指不“墨守成规”的创新性、前瞻性变革,且这种变革的发生能够导致富有营养的食物和健康饮食的经济实惠性提高。

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Mikaila Way

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Dear FSN Forum team and co-facilitators, 

Please find attached the completed submission from the National Congress of American Indians and Oneida Nation  (Indigenous Nation within the United States of America in the state of Wisconsin). The best practices submitted are a case study presented by the Oneida Nation. 

Please contact me with questions. 

Best regards,


Dear SOFI team, 

On behalf of the Resilient Food Systems (RFS) programme, I am pleased to submit a success story for consideration for inclusion in SOFI 2021. The attached success story highlights the achievements of the Upper Tana Nairobi Water Fund (UTNWF) in Kenya. Implemented by The Nature Conservancy, the UTNWF is one of the 12 RFS country projects working to promote integrated approaches to enhancing agricultural productivity and restoring degraded landscapes in smallholder farming systems.

If you have any further questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Anthony Kariuki, Project Coordinator of the UTNWF. 

Kind regards,


Dear SOFI team,

Thank you for leading this consultation process in such a transparent manner. Please find attached HarvestPlus inputs for the call for best practices, transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets, and addressing key drivers of food insecurity and malnutrition.

Should you have any further questions or requests for clarification, please do get in touch.

Kind regards, 

Destan Aytekin, HarvestPlus

Dear FAO, 

Please find attached the submision from the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analayis Network (FANRPAN) about the best practises that were drawn from the Post- Harvest Management in Sub-Saharan Africa a case of Benin and Mozambique.    


Shiluva Nkanyani

Please find enclosed our submission to FAO’s recent Call for best practices in transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets and addressing key drivers of food insecurity and malnutrition.

The European Food Banks Federation represents 430 food banks in 29 European countries which recover surplus food from food business operators and redistribute it to charities helping people in need. The daily activity contributes to a sustainable future food system as well as a food secure community.


Dear FAO –

Please find our submission to FAO’s recent call for best practices and lessons learned in food systems transformation.

Canadian Foodgrains Bank network recently completed a five year program using a multi-pronged approach to scaling conservation agriculture and food security in East Africa, working with over 60,000 smallholder farmers in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. The attached submission and case study highlights the program’s work and results in transforming the food systems in Ethiopia.


Theresa Rempel Mulaire

先生 Chun Kit Li

Centre d'Excellence Régional contre la Faim et la Malnutrition

Chers collègues de FAO,

Prière de trouver ci-joint les infomations sur le projet "Développement de la chaîne de valeur du manioc pour renforcer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle en République du Congo". Ce projet a mis en valeur l'expertise de la Côte d'Ivoire et du Bénin dans la transformation du manioc et les a mobilisé pour transmettre leur savoir-faire et technologie advancée aux petits producteurs du Congo dans le cadre de la Coopération Sud-Sud. 

Je reste à votre disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire.

Bien à vous.

Amanda Baker

Secretaría Elige Vivir Sano, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia

Desde la Secretaría Elige Vivir Sano en el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia en Chile, nos agrada compartir nuestra propuesta, basada en nuestro Plan de Seguridad Alimentaria. Adjunto la propuesta y un resumen de las medidas. El Plan completo está disponible en http://eligevivirsano.gob.cl/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/PLAN-DE-SEGURID… gracias por su consideración. Saludos!

The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT alongside national and international partners are happy to share the outcomes of the Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition (BFN) project led by Brazil, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey. The project addressesed malnutrition, farmer livelihood resilience, and sustainability through the lens of agricultural biodiversity; in short, by documenting information on the nutrient content of a wide variety of indigenous foods and sharing the information with policy makers and consumers.