Message from the facilitator
Dear members of the FSN Forum,
I am grateful for the time and knowledge shared through this consultation. The contributions received provide light on how FAO should support member countries to boost remittances investment in sustainable agribusiness development. We highlight the exposed need that these financial mechanisms must promote innovative and sustainable agricultural activities that provide health for everyone. Furthermore, they should be coupled with capacity development to promote the effectiveness of future programs and policies. Our team takes note of the challenges and possible solutions discussed in detail by the contributors. I encourage all participants to continue the discussion and new participants to share their experience based on the several questions listed above.
@ Claudio Schuftan
Dear Claudio,
In the focus of our work our focus, agribusiness, also includes agroecology. One of the main causes of rural migration is the lack of investments in agriculture; under this program, the remittances are invested in the rural areas in everything from crops to services. The important issue is the business focus to incentive the local economy. If an agroecological farm activity is presented as a business, it will be co-financed within the scope of the program.
@ Luke Metelerkamp
Dear Luke,
Your project sounds very interesting and I believe we have the same aim of increasing rural investments for smallholder agriculture. There are two goals within the program we are implementing: one is to invest remittances for rural development and the other one is to reduce migration. This is why we have the strong focus on remittances as the way of financing family agribusinesses. I believe it is possible to include remittances with in the platform you are implementing, but I think it should be collective remittances from the diaspora. This has been tried with relative success in some countries although the impact has been limited because of the lack of an institutionalized migrant policy by municipalities, little interest, or mistrust from migrants to organize towards helping their communities of origin, and in some cases corruption, and politicization of the program. I will be interested in further exchanges.
Best regards,
Д-р. Mauricio Rosales