Thanks for the opportunity. In recognition of its significance in the daily nutritional requirement of living beings, the organization of this forum in the International Year of Pulses demands great attention.
In our country India, people have a larger dependence on pulses a food crop as well as cash crop. Due to failure of monsoon, climate change impacts, the rates of pulses have gone up beyond imagination.
1. As far as my working state Telangana (Newly formed State) - is concerned, even though it is a frequently drought hit region, people go in for cotton cultivation which is water intensive. During my field works, I could understand that it is very hard to make the communities follow our instructions and make them understand the need to change the existing mal cropping practices and shift to pulses crop from cotton, considering the need of the hour as part of the changing climate scenario. Capacity building on this aspect is very essential.
2. It is highly essential for the scientific community to understand the physiology of the pulses crops (Green Gram, Red Gram, Black Gram )and develop more ( Crop Simulation model based ) scientific knowhow on the same as to anticipate the probable changes in crop responses due to likely changes in the climate .
Thank you & Best regards,
Link To New Publication
Dr.Dhanya Praveen, Ph.D.,
Scientist, Climate Change Division
Environmental Protection Training and Research Institute
Gachibowli, Telangana-500032, India.
Д-р. Dhanya Praveen