Prioritizing food safety
With some 600 million cases of foodborne illnesses every year, unsafe food is a threat to human health and economies around the world. Ensuring food safety is a public health priority and an essential step to achieving food security. FAO is the only international organization overseeing all aspects...
Ultra-processed foods, diet quality, and health using the NOVA classification system
The NOVA classification system groups all foods according to the nature, extent and purposes of the industrial processes they undergo. These involve physical, biological and chemical techniques used after foods are separated from nature, and before they are consumed or else made into dishes and...
New Codex Trust Fund comes into operation
The new Codex Trust Fund, or CTF2, was officially launched on 27 June. The first countries in which implementation will take place under CTF2 are Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar and Senegal. Many other countries submitted strong applications and will benefit from ongoing consultations with FAO/WHO to strengthen their applications prior to resubmission in subsequent rounds.
Building on the success of the first Codex Trust Fund, FAO and WHO launched a successor initiative to the Codex Trust Fund (CTF2) in January 2016. In the next 12 years, multi-annual support will be provided to over 100 countries to strengthen their capacity for full and effective engagement in Codex. Read the founding Project Document for more details.
FSN Forum article on Street Food

Street Food: The way forward for better food safety and nutrition
This article summarizes the outcomes of an FSN Forum online discussion on Street Foods and is included in the publication: Street Food. Culture, economy, health and governance, just released by Routledge.