G77 & China Plenary Meeting of 28 June 2018
G77 and China – Bureau Meeting
28 June 2018, 09.30 – 12.30
Red Room
Draft Agenda
1/ Adoption of the Agenda;
2/ Approval of the Minutes of the G77 & China Plenary Meeting held on May 18, 2018;
3/ Financial Situation of the G77 & China Trust Fund;
4/ Update on the United Nations Development System Reform;
5/ Preparation of the Committee of Fisheries COFI33 (9-13 July 2018):
5.1) Nominations;
5.2) G77 & China Joint Statement.
6/ Preparation of the Committee of Forestry “COFO24” (16-20 July 2018):
6.1) Nominations;
6.2) G77 & China Joint Statement.
7/ Briefing on WFP Executive Board (18- 22 June 2018) (by the Conveners of WFP);
8/ Briefing on Global Soil Partnership Assembly (11-13 June 2018), (Thailand);
9/ Presentation on“FAO’s Work on Social Protection and Gender Equality in Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Security”by Ms. Junko Sazaki - Director of Social Policies and Rural Institutions Division
10/ Any Other Matters.