

آخر الأخبار والمعلومات حول المساواة بين الجنسين وتمكين المرأة

من المرجح أن تعاني النساء أكثر من الرجال من إنعدام الأمن الغذائي في كل منطقة من مناطق العالم، وذلك وفقا لآخر تقرير لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة عن حالة الأمن الغذائي والتغذية في العالم لعام 2017.
Gender equality and women’s empowerment is central to FAO’s work in eradicating hunger and poverty, as it is to the entire 2030 Agenda. This was a key message among several discussed at the recent Special Event on “Leaving no one behind: Achieving gender
فعالية خاصة تبحث طرق تحقيق المساواة بن الجنسين للأمن الغذائي والتغذوي والتنمية المستدامة
ستقوم نوتيمكس بإنتاج ونشر محتوى إخباري لزيادة الوعي بالدور الرئيسي للمرأة الريفية في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة.
المدرسة الرسمية الريفية المختلطة "لوس فادوس" هي الأولى من اثني عشر مدرسة التي ستنفذ نموذج المدرسة الصحية المستدامة في إدارة تشيكيمولا.
في أرمينيا، يعمل أكثر من 40% من النساء الناشطات اقتصاديا في الزراعة مقابل نحو 30% من الرجال.
A strong call to ECOWAS member countries to empower women in agriculture.
A Gambian side-event at CSW61 called for reliable data and information for the elaboration of gender responsive policies.
“Social protection can be a powerful tool to break the negative spiral of gender inequalities,” said Ms. Carla Mucavi, Director of the FAO Liaison Office to the United Nations in New York in her remarks at a side event during the sixty-first session of
Continuing the strong momentum from three side events on the opening day of the sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61), another side event on “Empowering rural and indigenous women to achieve food security and nutrition” took
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) contributed prominently to the sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61) with three side events on 13 March, the opening day of the two-week session.
Women's land rights are vital to every country’s development. Yet, those rights are routinely violated, denied, or simply not enforced.
A regional campaign, launched on International Women's Day by the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, will focus on the empowerment of rural women towards sustainable development.
In Latin America, 40% of rural women over the age of 15 do not have their own income, although they work on a daily basis, unpaid. In addition, rural women in the region only have a fraction of the land, credit, productive inputs and education that men do
احتفل مدراء ثلاث منظمات للأمم المتحدة تتخذ من روما مقراً لها باليوم الدولي للمرأة بالتأكيد مجدداً على التزامات هذه المنظمات لتعزيز الجهود للاستثمار في قدرات النساء الريفيات بوصفهن عوامل رئيسية للتغيير ولبناء عالم خالٍ من الجوع.
Starting or participating in an agrifood business could make good sense for women in poor rural areas of Albania. A new study identifies several business ideas and examines value chains and markets with potential for improving women’s incomes.
Written by economists, sociologists, and gender specialists and practitioners from twelve post-Soviet countries in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia, the publication reviews and analyzes issues that sit at the intersection of gender equality
This program, led by FAO, FIMI and CONAMUIP, aims to provide indigenous women with advocacy tools that allow them to influence public policies, programs and budgets that impact their communities.
Challenge: How to make sure rural women benefit from economic growth?
A fundamental first step is to incorporate the gender approach into the legal frameworks, laws and policies regarding food security in the region.