Información geoespacial para lograr sistemas alimentarios sostenibles


En esta sección se presentan artículos y noticias sobre las actividades que lleva a cabo la FAO con apoyo de tecnología y métodos geoespaciales.

In recent years, the importance of accurate and up-to-date land cover information has become increasingly evident, especially in countries like Somalia that are grappling with environmental challenges, resource management, and sustainable development. Recognizing the critical role of geospatial technology in...

The training workshop conducted in Banjul on January 16 and 17, 2024, was designed as an interactive platform to enhance the capacity of national stakeholders in employing geospatial solutions for agricultural development. It centered around the methodologies and standards promoted by the...

The FAO and Business Finland are organizing a hybrid event at COP28 on December 11, 2023, titled "AgroAdapt: Cultivate the Future." The event, held at the Finland Pavilion, showcases a serious game, AgroAdapt, designed to address climate change challenges in...

The National Consultative Workshop on the Soil-Land-Water Digital Information System (SoLaWISe) project was conducted in Islamabad by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on 05 and 06 December 2023. Pakistan serves as a pilot country for the...

ISO 57th plenary meeting was hosted by The Bureau of standards (BIS) in New Delhi, India, from the 4th to the 8th December 2023.

The mission of ISO is to standardize in the field of digital geographic information.

This work aims to...