General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2016


The GFCM Secretariat is pleased to inform colleagues and partners that the new GFCM publication the State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2016 (SoMFi 2016) is now available online.

It is the first time that a comprehensive review of the status and trends of fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea has been published by the GFCM. This report is mainly based on data submitted by GFCM contracting and cooperating non-contracting parties, including information on stock status, national catches, fleet and socio-economic aspects. It is our hope that this publication provides useful information to support strategic decision-making and help monitor progress towards sustainable fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region.

The GFCM Secretariat would like to take this opportunity to thank all experts and organizations who contributed to this important work. 

Link to SoMFi 2016