General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Report on the WGSASP session on small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea (geographical subareas 17–18), including a sardine benchmark

15 May, 2023 -18 May, 2023

Download the report (available only in English): PDF


The Working Group on Stock Assessment of Small Pelagic Species (WGSASP) session on small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea (geographical subareas 17–18), including a sardine benchmark was carried out in Rome, Italy, in hybrid modality, from 15 to 18 May 2023. The main objectives of this meeting were to update the assessments of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and to finalise the benchmark assessment for sardine based on year n-1 data (reference year 2022) as requested by Recommendation GFCM/44/2021/20 on a multiannual management plan for the sustainable exploitation of small pelagic stocks in the Adriatic Sea (geographical subareas 17 and 18). Based on data provided by relevant contracting parties for 2022 (year n-1), the assessments of European anchovy were updated with extra year of data and quantitative advice was provided for both species while the sardine benchmark was not finalised.  Anchovy in GSAs 17 and 18 was found to be overexploited (SSBcurr/Bpa ratio: 0.94, SBcurr/Blim ratio: 1.25) and in overexploitation (Fcurr/FMSY ratio: 1.24) with biomass above reference points. Sardine in GSA 17 and 18 was considered to be at increased risk of being overexploited SSBcurr/Bmsy ratio: 0.68; SSBcurr/Bpa ratio: 1.35, SSBcurr/Blim ratio: 2.25) and in overexploitation (Fcurr/FMSY ratio: 1.44).