FAO in Ghana
Addressing Zoonotic Pathogens and Promoting One Health and Biosecurity Through FAO's Progressive Management Pathway Initiative...
FAO facilitates the Validation Workshop for Surveillance Plans on Priority Zoonotic Diseases. The Food and Agriculture...
This project is designed to enhance early warning systems, bolster agrifood system resilience, and strengthen...
Crop   experts from seven countries exchange and learn new crop systems  13   March 2015, Dodowa, Ghana - About 14 research and   extension workers from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Niger, Senegal, Chad, Togo and   Ghana attended a 4-day workshop at Dodowa in the Greater Accra Region   (Ghana), from...
A renewed alliance towards empowering  men, women and youth to increase income and improve livelihoods   9 March 2015, Tamale, Ghana -- In view of implementing sustainable activities to the benefit of farmers and in the fight against poverty and food insecurity by promoting entrepreneurial and capacity building activities, FAO and the...
Addis Ababa - FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva today attended an African Union (AU) summit which is set to focus on a continent-wide commitment by governments to end hunger by 2025, and also on efforts to boost the role of women in achieving prosperity in Africa.   Heads of state and...
Ghana - In the next 20 years, increasing the productivity and incomes from smallholder crop, livestock, fishery and forestry production systems will be key to achieving global food security. Most of the world’s poor are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture, and experience has shown that growth in agriculture is often...
Accra.- According to the latest State of Food and Insecurity in the world (SOFI 2014), Progress in hunger reduction continues. Ghana, in particular, has made considerable progress towards achieving MDG1 target on poverty eradication and food security. Although the proportion of children under five years of age who are underweight has been...