Alertes Sur Les Prix Intérieurs

Pays dans lesquels les prix d’un ou de plusieurs produits alimentaires de base sont anormalement élevés sur les principaux marchés
Niveau d’alerte sur les prix:  Élevé   Modéré [d’après l’ Indicateur des anomalies dans les prix (IPA)]

High alert

Retail prices of bread (French type) rose over threefold year-on-year in April 2024.
High alert

Wholesale prices of rice changed little in May 2024 but remained at high levels, mostly due to tight market availabilities and high production and transport costs.
High alert

Prices of cereals remained at very high levels in April 2024, underpinned by a weak currency, conflict-related market disruptions, high transport costs and strong local demand, combined with inadequate local supply.
Moderate alert

White maize grain prices declined in May 2024, after hitting record levels in April, amidst the effects of drought on national production prospects.
High alert

Prices of maize and sorghum increased in May 2024 following a further, sharp depreciation of the national currency due to reduced oil exports. Prices reached record levels due to tight supplies, the lingering impact of prolonged conflict and macroeconomic challenges.
High alert

Prices of cereals continued to increase in April 2024 mainly due to the ongoing conflict, which resulted in a sharply reduced cereal production in 2023. Soaring input prices boosting production and transport costs, and insecurity-related trade disruptions provided further support to prices.
Moderate alert

Maize grain prices declined seasonally for a second consecutive month, but were still close to record highs in May 2024.
High alert

Le taux annuel d’inflation des denrées alimentaires a augmenté après deux mois de stabilité relative, à mesure que le dollar américain s’est répandu dans l’économie nationale
Moderate alert

Le taux annuel d’inflation alimentaire s’est accéléré et a atteint 23 pour cent en septembre, à la suite d’une légère dépréciation de la monnaie nationale, un facteur clé à l’origine de l’augmentation rapide des prix.