FAO/WHO GIFT | Global Individual Food Consumption Data Tool

Did you know? FAO/WHO GIFT makes information about what people eat and drink available to help estimate exposure to chemical and biological hazards


We are pleased to announce the publication of the "Safe food for everyone - FAO's work on food safety: science, standards, and good practices", prepared by the Food Systems and Food Safety Division (ESF) of FAO. This publication highlights how important food consumption data is for food safety. 

A life necessity, a social event, an act of love, a way of expressing ourselves: food is all these things, as well as an important source of employment and the heartbeat of every economy. But the food chain – growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, distributing, trading, purchasing, preparing, consuming, and eventually disposing of what we consume – is a fragile sequence in which every point is fraught with risk. 

These pages address the work of FAO and its partners in ensuring food is safe. Dietary data – information about what and how much people eat and drink – can yield important insights about nutrition and food safety. FAO/WHO GIFT makes information about what people eat and drink available to governments and other concerned parties, to help estimate exposure to chemical and biological hazards. Data from FAO/WHO GIFT also feeds directly into the FAO/WHO Chronic individual food consumption database (CIFOCOss) which allows dietary exposure assessments to be undertaken. 

Please check out the publication here and the FAO/WHO food safety indicators here.  

Enjoy the reading!