Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

Presentations to the second GSP Plenary Assembly - 22-24 July 2014, FAO HQ




Speech: Opening of the session

Ms. Semedo, Deputy Director-General for Natural Resources, FAO

Key Note Address

Mr. Aroldo Cedraz, Brazil Office Minister, Federal Court of Accounts

Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils: 

Chairperson's report 

Dr. Neil McKenzie, Vice chair of ITPS

on behalf of Dr. Luca Montanarella

Report on the Financial Support of the Global Soil Partnership 

And Establishment of the Healthy Soils Facility

Mr. Oclay Unver, Deputy Director of NRL

Mr. Alexander Jones, Chief TCSR

Endorsement of the Plans of Action for the GSP Pillars

Ms. Sally Bunning, GSP Secretariat

GSP Pillar 1 Plan of Action

Promoting Sustainable Soil Management

Dr. Liesl Weise, Chairperson of the Pillar 1 Working Group

GSP Pillar 2 Plan of Action

Encourage Investment, Technical Cooperation, Policy, Education, Awareness and Extension

Dr. Arwyn Jones, Chairperson of the Pillar 2 Working Group

GSP Pillar 4 Plan of Action

Building the global system to monitor and forecast the condition of the Earth's soil resources

Dr. Neil McKenzie, Vice chair of ITPS

GSP Pillar 5 Plan of Action

Harmonization of methods, Measurements, and indicators for the sustainable management and protection of soil resources

Dr. Rainer Baritz, Member of the Pillar 5 Writing group

Report on the Regional Soil Partnerships

Central America, Mexico and the Caribbeans (presentation in Spanish)

Dr. Olegario Muñiz Ugarte, President of the regional Committee

Report on the Regional Soil Partnerships

The European Partnership

Jes Weigelt, IASS Potsdam 

Report on the Regional Soil Partnerships

The African Partnership

Fatouma D. Seyni

Report on the Regional Soil Partnerships

The Asian Partnership

Yuji Niino

Report on the Regional Soil Partnerships
The South American Partnership (SISLAC) (presentation in Spanish)

International Year of Soil 

Implementation of the International Year of Soil 

Draft Plan of Action

Ronald Vargas, GSP Secretariat

Implementation of World Soil Day celebrations 2014 and 2015

Ronald Vargas, GSP Secretariat