Global Soil Partnership

Global Soil Biodiversity conference | NETSOB Workshop | Dublin - March 2023

The International Network on Soil Biodiversity (NETSOB) is a timely response by the global community of soil and environmental practitioners, policymakers, and scientists to improve our understanding of soil biodiversity and the values of soil biodiversity. NETSOB aims to offer reliable science-based evidence to support better decision-making both in the field and at policy level in the sustainable use and conservation of soil biodiversity. NETSOB provides a common forum for multiple experts in this field and existing initiatives to contribute to the implementation of the Global Soil Biodiversity Observatory (GLOSOB).


Item 1: Global Soil Biodiversity: objectives, scope, governance, and work plan | Jacob Parnell, FAO.

Item 2: Plan of action 2020 - 2030 for the international Initiavtive for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Soil Biodiversity and its linkages with NETSOB workplan | Jacob Parnell, FAO.