Global Soil Partnership

Technical Cooperation Programme

FAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) projects address some of the many problematics in crop production, nutrition, food safety, rural development and other areas identified by individual countries.

FAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme spearheads poverty alleviation and tackles poverty  

The TCP is part of FAO’s Regular Programme and receives funding from FAO Members.

The TCP can be used to produce tangible and immediate results with innovative impacts, by supporting institutions, farmer associations and other entities such as target beneficiaries. It does this by providing technical inputs, deploying short-term experts and consultants to offer up practical training, or equipment and supplies enabling communities to scale-up their existing skills.

While the Programme does not provide resources to all participating governments, it can enhance existing research initiatives, to expand on the assistance already provided while supporting projects which lack technical inputs from FAO.

It is no substitute for national capacities that have yet to be developed but it can complement the capacities of experts and employees from counterpart ministries.

Project proposals are evaluated based on ten key criteria established by FAO’s governing bodies.