Fifth European Soil Partnership Plenary Meeting
The 5th European Soil Partnership Plenary Meeting was held on 20 and 21 March 2018 at the FAO HQ in Rome.

After the discussion of the main achievements of the ESP during 2017/2018, it was decided to enhance soil governance in the European region to push for targeted soil policies with an eye to improve information sharing within the ESP members, national focal points and chairs of the 5 GSP pillars. The need to vivify all available networks within the partnership came under focus as well as the need to focus on the translation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Sustainable Soil Management into concrete action.
All ESP partners are welcome to join this forum where soil related activities on the European territory are discussed annually and given a place vis-à-vis the ESP Implementation Plan 20017-2020.
For background and documentation in relation to previous versions of the ESP Plenary Meeting, please visit
Agenda | Report | Presentations | Photogallery | External link
For further information, please contact the ESP-Secretariat.