Глобальное почвенное партнерство

Third Workshop of the International Network of Black Soils (INBS)


The International Network of Black Soils (INBS)  provides a platform for knowledge sharing for countries with black soils to discuss common issues related to the conservation and sustainable management of these soils and the need to foster technical exchange and cooperation. Launched in March 2017 in presence of representatives from national soil institutions from Argentina, Brazil, China, Russian Federation, and the USA, the INBS will foster collaboration and identify relevant research gaps to be addressed in a report on the global status, the current productivity and the challenges in black soils. 

  • Chairperson: Mr. Ivan Vasenev, INBS Chair, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
  • Vice Chair: Mr. Mykola Miroshnychenko, National Scientific Center «Institute for Soil
  • Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky»(NSC ISSAR)
  • Leading Expert: Ms. Lúcia H. C dos Anjos, ITPS Black Soil Working Group, UFRRJ
  • Coordinator: Mr. Yuxin Tong (FAO GSP Secretariat)

Agenda | Presentations | Video | ReportEvent

13 Dec 2021
- 14 Dec 2021