Global Soil Partnership

Launch of the Centre of Excellence for Soil Research in Asia

On this year’s World Soil Day, Wednesday 5 December 2018, the Kingdom of Thailand launched the Centre of Excellence for Soil Research in Asia (CESRA). The establishment of the research center, located in Nakhton Ratchasima’s Pak Chong district, is part of the regional implementation plan of the Asian Soil Partnership (ASP) endorsed by ASP member countries in December 2016. Its mission is to support the execution of the Asian Soil Partnership implementation plan with focus on regional soil research priorities. 


The center will also serve to interact with regional soil science societies and other mechanisms established under various conventions, to provide guidance for policy and decision-making, and to catalyze cooperation within the region.

The activities of CESRA will be in line with the principles included in the revised World Soil Charter and the Voluntary Guidelines of Sustainable Soil Management (VGSSM), the objectives of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the Sustainable Development Goals, and other global targets related to the sustainable management of soils. In this context, the GSP will provide CESRA with their technical support and guidance, facilitate the establishment of South-South cooperation programmes and promote technical and scientific cooperation between Asia and the rest of the world. Soil scientists from the region will be able to meet at CESRA in order to share their latest knowledge and experience and contribute to research and development, foster technical cooperation, build their capacities on SSM and much more. CESRA will constitute the regional hub for capacity development activities in sustainable soil management.

The final action plan of CESRA will be agreed by members during the upcoming fifth workshop of the Asian Soil Partnership to take place on 26th February to 1st March 2019 in India.

To learn more about CESRA, visit the website:

---- UPDATES: During the 5th ASP Plenary Meeting (New Delhi, India, February 2019), national focal points to ASP member countries revised and endorsed CESRA’s mission, objectives, structure and work plan so to allow the center to become operative in 2019.

Learn more on CESRA by visiting the website:

Additional information are available in the CESRA flyer (soon available) and in Annex 4 of the 5th ASP meeting report

All research institutes, centers, organizations and universities are welcome to register in CESRA by completing the registration form. The completed form should be sent to [email protected] and [email protected] All members will receive a letter and a certificate of registration.