GSP Plenary Assembly 12th session and call for side events | 3-5 June 2024
The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) Plenary Assembly is the most important gathering of the partnership where crucial decisions concerning the global soil agenda are taken. It is the main platform for FAO Members and GSP partners to meet and exchange knowledge and expertise in the field of sustainable soil management.

The Assembly will begin on the 3 June 2024 at 9am CEST (FAO headquarters and on zoom) with an opening ceremony featuring a series of keynote addresses delivered by esteemed speakers. All plenary sessions will be simultaneously interpreted in the six FAO official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. All the documents to be discussed at the Plenary Assembly will be published by the 3 May 2024 here.
Building on the success of last year's Plenary Assembly, GSP is opening a call for side event in order to bring together all GSP partners into a special event: a Soil Partners' Day.
It will be a unique opportunity for all GSP partners to share their efforts, expertise, experiences and innovative ideas related to the conservation, restoration, and protection of soils and its sustainable management.
Submit you application by 8 April 2024!
For any further information, please contact the GSP-Secretariat.