Глобальное почвенное партнерство

COAG 24 Endorsed the Updated World Soil Charter

The 24th session of the FAO’s Committee on Agriculture, held in Rome on 29th September to 3rd October 2014, considered the report of the second meeting of the GSP Plenary Assembly.



GSP PA Report : ar | en | es | fr | ru | zh


The Committee expressed appreciation for the work performed by the GSP since the formal inception of the initiative in 2012, including the many valuable activities carried out under the aegis of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils  (ITPS).  The Committee highlighted, in particular, the substantial progress made by the GSP in regard to: 

  • approval of  four Plans of Action under the GSP Pillars;
  • arrangements made in connection with the International Year of Soils (2015) and the World Soil Day occurrences in 2014 and 2015; and
  • planned issuance of a new seminal report on the Status of World Soil Resources at the end of 2015.

The Committee confirmed the importance of vigorous resource mobilization efforts, through the Healthy Soils Facility as well as in-kind contributions already provided to specific activities, in particular by the European Union and Government of Thailand, as well as further pledges of support towards the work of the Global Soil Partnership. 

The Committee strongly supported the submission for formal consideration by the next Council in December 2014 and ultimately the FAO Conference, of the updated text of the World Soil Charter, that had been developed by the ITPS and reviewed, amended and transmitted by the second Plenary Assembly.  It noted the significance of endorsement of the updated Charter by the FAO Conference in 2015 during the International Year of Soils as this would encourage international efforts for reversing alarming trends in soil degradation through boosting wide adoption of sustainable soil management.

The Committee also noted the proposal for developing a concept note on sustainable management of soil resources and invited the Secretariat with support of its ITPS to submit it to the next GSP Plenary Assembly and FAO Council.