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Sustainable soil management practices in the Kagera river basin and Honduras


The Kagera River Basin in East Africa occupies a strategic position on the borders of four countries. Good management of the Kagera water flow regime is vital for maintaining the water levels of Lake Victoria and outflow to the River Nile. More than 16 million people live here and depend on the area’s natural resources for their survival. Now, FAO’s Transboundary Agro-Ecosystem Management Project is introducing a new approach to protect the River Basin and its inhabitants.


Honduras, in Central America is home to some eight million people. Agriculture is the main source of income for many families. The country is also highly susceptible to adverse natural events such as hurricanes and droughts. Measures to mitigate the impact of these shocks are focused on strengthening the adaptation capacity of households. Lempira and El Paraíso are two departments where a success story of sustainable agriculture is in place. The Quesungual system – which has received strong community backing – has increased food production and stabilized food security. It has helped rehabilitate entire agro-ecosystems and stem soil erosion.

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