Soils back on the agenda
On June 22-24 member countries, non-governmental organizations, academic scholars, civil society groups and international organizations met at FAO headquarters in Rome for the third GSP Plenary Assembly. The Assembly reviewed the progress made in the promotion of sustainable soil management since the launch of the partnership three years ago and during the celebration of the 2015- International Year of Soils.
In this newsletter we are pleased to bring you an update of the encouraging results that came from the meeting. The International Year of Soils has triggered a number of actions at all levels and soils are back on the agenda. The challenge however remains on how to keep this momentum beyond 2015.
Happy reading. |
Moujahed Achouri
Director, Land & Water Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) |
Third GSP Plenary Assembly
The session was well attended and regions were well represente d with participants from governments, civil society, private sector and other UN agencies. The Assembly appreciated the keynote address delivered by H.E. the Vice Minister of Land of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Mr. Jhonny Cordero. Ms. Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director General for Natural Resources, welcomed the participants on behalf of the FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva and highlighted the hard work and commitment of members of the Global Soil Partnership and the substantial achievements made in a short time span, culminating in the recent adoption by the 39th session of the FAO Conference of the updated World Soil Charter. The publication “Understanding mountain soils” and the IYS animation on soils and climate change were officially launched.
The session’s main outcomes as presented in the Report were the: a) endorsement of the Pillar 3 Plan of Action; b) appointment of new ITPS members and appreciation of achieved work; c) welcoming of the concept note related to the development of voluntary guidelines for the sustainable management of soil resources; d) appreciation on the development of the Status of the World’s Soil Resources report and e) support to all the work performed by the Regional Soil Partnerships and urged support to the execution of Regional Implementation Plans. The fourth Plenary Assembly will take place on 23-25 May 2016 at FAO HQ. |
IYS ambassadors
On 10 June during the 39th Session of the FAO Conference, FAO Director General, José Graziano da Silva, officially appointed two Special Ambassadors.
The new ambassadors are Claire Chenu, French biodiversity expert and professor of soil sciences at Agro Paris Tech University, and Tekalign Mamo Assefa, expert in soil management, senior government advisor in Ethiopia, and professor at the Haramaya University. According to them, soils desperately need ambassadors, champions to speak out for this silent ally in the fight against hunger and malnutrition.
Both special ambassadors have firm recommendations and propose solutions for this year and beyond. These include the promotion of sustainable soil management, the need for more information about the state of soil resources; establishment of regional programmes; education and awareness raising about soils; and pushing for targeted soil policies. |
Revised World Soil Charter
Member countries during the 39th FAO Conference unanimously endorsed the new World Soil Charter that was developed by the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS). The original World Soil Charter (WSC) was conceived, formulated, negotiated and adopted by the FAO Conference in 1981. During the last 30 years the world’s challenges have become more evident and severe and the ITPS together with the GSP Partners considered that the 13 principles listed in the charter are still valid but needed to be updated and revised in light of the gained scientific, especially with respect to new issues, such as soil pollution and its consequences for the environment, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and urban sprawl impacts on soil availability and functions. The Charter’s implementation will constitute a significant contribution to the promotion of sustainable soil management and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Status of the World's Soil Resources Report: a seminal collective effort
The development of the first ever report on The Status of the World's Soil Resources, led by the ITPS, is a unique and commendable resource to serve as a sound basis for discussion and consultation, particularly for enhanced understanding of soil issues and scope for improvement measures. Over 200 top scientists from all regions of the world have contributed to the preparation of this truly exhaustive report. The main objectives of this reference book are to provide a global scientifically based assessment of current and projected soil conditions; to explore the implications of soil conditions for food security, climate change, water quality and quantity, biodiversity and human health and well being; and to include a policy message with a series of recommendations for action by decision-makers and other stakeholders.
It is hoped that the report will be used worldwide to stimulate partners to improve national monitoring on soil status and trends. In the future, the Regional Soil Partnerships and individual countries should be empowered to conduct their own assessment and reporting. The final version will be launched on the forthcoming World Soil Day celebration on the 4th of December at FAO HQ, hence constituting the main output of the celebration of the International Year of Soils 2015. |
Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils and its fourth working session
The renewed Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils held its fourth working session on 14-18 September 2015 at FAO headquarters. New ITPS members committed to contribute to a busy agenda for the term 2015-2017.
The main outcomes of this session that are detailed in the report, were: a 2015-2017 ITPS workplan, including joint work with other panels, such as the Science Policy Interface (SPI), Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); an improved version of the concept note for the development of the voluntary guidelines for sustainable management of soil resources; a follow up activity on the Status of the World’s Soil Resources report; the establishment of working groups to support the development and execution of implementation plans; the production of a position paper on soils, climate change and food security to be distributed at the upcoming COP21; and the development of a position paper on the role of soils in meeting the SDGs. |
Regional Soil Partnership workshops
During the first semester of 2015 Regional Soil Partnership workshops were organized in Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America and the Caribbean, Near East and North Africa and Eurasia. The aims of these workshops were: to consolidate the regional soil partnerships by establishing/renewing steering committees and its secretariat; to review progress made on the preparation of Regional Implementation Plans, and to celebrate the International Year of Soils by discussing future awareness raising activities at national and regional levels. The RSPs are now fully on board finalizing their plans and in some cases moving into implementation of activities that were agreed by stakeholders in the different regions. |
The International Year of Soils

More than half way through the International Year of Soils, much has been accomplished at national and international levels.
The Regional Soil Partnership workshops took place in several regions with the aim of developing regional plans on sustainable soil management for the next five years.
Numerous soil-related events are taking place around the globe including major international conferences, cultural and awareness raising exhibitions and educational events targeted at the general public, as well as technical sessions among soil scientists and other disciplines, linking soils with the wider food security and sustainable development agenda.
A wealth of communication material has also been prepared including fact sheets, infographics, posters and videos with the IYS logo translated into 30 languages. |
World Soil Day 2015
The World Soil Day campaign aims to connect people with soils and raise awareness on their critical importance in our lives. The theme for this year will be “Soils a solid ground for life”.
The WSD 2015 will be celebrated on the 4th of December at FAO headquarters in Rome and FAO regional offices. National events will also be organized. Please make sure to register your event and regularly check the map of the WSD2015 events.
Upcoming events
IYS side event at the 42nd Committee on World Food Security, 15th October, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy
ENSA Workshop, 21-22 October, ExpoMilano and JRC, Milan, Italy
GSP Side event at the COP 12 UNCCD, 23rd October, Ankara, Turkey
Planning workshop of the South American Soil Partnership, 29th October, Montevideo, Uruguay
Seminar “Agricultural biodiversity for healthy soils and people”, 16th November, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy
International Conference Eurasian Food Security Network and Eurasian Soil Partnership, 19-21 November, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
World Soil Day 2015, 4th December 2015, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy
Workshop “Establishment of the International Network of Soil Information Institutions”, 8-10 December 2015, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy |